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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

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Lots of activity for you, today!


I have one task today: finish planning and scheduling our next school year.


That's um, ... what I'm doing right now. Research. Uh, on the chat board ....


I have a child-free home for the day, which should motivate me but all it's making me do is relax and enjoy the day off!!


Hopefully your day proves more productive LOL.

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I took two of the boys to a street fair this morning and we just finished lunch. I'll do a little more packing, then we'll start moving in as soon as they'll let us. I sincerely hope we're done before it's bedtime for my youngest.

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I tackled Once Sold Tales, an online seller of used books who is going out of business. They opened their warehouses to the public to help clear out stock. I brought home 97 books and 1 DVD for $70. DS11 and I picked up DD13 and her friend a little after 9am. We had Chipolte's for lunch on the way back and got home around 3pm.


I also went to Costco for a few items.


DS11 and DH are now at the theater watching Iron Man 3. I'm sort of watching the littles while they play outside.


I need to wash dishes and scrounge up leftovers for dinner.

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I dream of getting another reel mower. We had one years ago and I don't know why we got rid of it.


Done today:

Made and canned 34 half pints of jam (24 strawberry, 10 strawberry-rhubarb)

Read some of my book

Bought geraniums from a Boy Scout

Stamped a few more books with my new monogram embosser

Portioned out and froze meats

Helped dh sort through old boxes from the garage. (Dh asked if it was a sign of being a horder when sorting through old boxes initiates a panic attack. Methinks it's going to take a while to clean out the garage.)


Lunch - leftovers

Dinner - roast beef, gr. beans, salad


Goodnight, All. Sleep well.

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