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Have you used Elemental Science? elementalscience.com


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We used their "Intro to Science" (for k-1st grade) program this year. Well, we *tried* to use it - I dropped it after a few weeks because it drove me crazy. No particular rhyme or reason to it, it just jumped from subject to subject (crystals to colors to magnets to inclined planes). The tie-ins to nature study were often weak (we're studying solids and liquids - go find a pine tree, because we did an experiment with wax crayons). And worst (to me), was that there was no explanation of what we were doing. It would introduce science words, but give no definition of them, just throw them out there and hope you figured out what they meant from context. I'm not expecting deep, complicated definitions, but some explanation would be nice!


Maybe it got better (we only made it to week 9), and it's entirely possible the older grades are better, too. But I was very disappointed with the course we tried. :glare:

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We used "Intro" also and I think it is intended to be an overview not really in-depth for that age. For us, it laid a good foundation so I have been able to say "remember when we learned about dilution..." and apply their basic knowledge to whatever we are currently learning about. I didn't use the Handbook of Nature Study because I was just overwhelmed by it...instead, I found info from library books or science encyclopedias we own. We are planning on using Chemistry for the Grammar stage this coming year.

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We just finished up Biology for the Grammar Stage. I liked it. DD liked it. I'll use it again w/my younger two, and I just bought ES Earth Science for this fall.


That being said....The next time around, I will make some modifications to it:


Animals: I like that she talked about a lot of animals, but I didn't like that there was so little focus on what group those animals belonged to. So for mammals, I will spend more time covering "mammals", and less time covering individual mammals. I also had a hard time doing the experiments, but that was mainly b/c I have two high maintenance littles.


Human Body: I really liked this section, and don't plan on making any changes to it next time around. We used the MSB human body science kit in conjunction (as well as some experiments from Bill Nye and other outside supplemental books) instead of the Van Cleave book.


Plants: Again, I really liked this section, and don't plan on changing it. We also added extra experiments from supplemental books.

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We have used Biology, Earth Science/Astronomy, and Chemistry - all Grammar stages. We've been pleased. The instructions are clear, and the manual and student guide are well-laid out. I cannot recall an instance where I felt we were missing information necessary to complete an assignment. I did think that the book choices in ES/A were a bit too easy for my child, but that could be because she had already had quite a bit of exposure to both topics. I ended up supplementing that year. We loved the projects from that year, though.

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I use Biology for the Logic Stage. I started out trying to do WTM science all on my own but added ES mid-year to give myself a framework to work from. I was looking for something that was enough all on its own if I didn't have time or energy to add anything, but to which I could easily add extra WTM-style assignments or my children's rabbit-trail interests when possible. My kids & I like it so far.

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I'm using Biology for Grammar stage and am about 10 weeks in to the animal study. So far so good. It's short bite size lessons that get done and the kids enjoy it. I have skipped some experiments b/c some seem a bit unrelated and I've skipped others simply due to lack of time but I'm finding it is flexible that I can get through all the material without having to do science every day.

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We're using the logic stage Earth and Space this year (5th) and we both think it's fantastic. In 5 years, this is the FIRST science program that has actually gotten done. We enjoy the spines (though I added a few extra books-not because it needed it, just because I'm like that) and the experiments, which are well laid out and fairly easy to do. We will definitely use them next year (Biology).

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ES iS one of the easiest science curriculums I have found. It takes 15 mins or less on average. Simply read the page or 2 page spread in the book listed or choose a book of your own, as long as the topic is the same any book can be used, then your child narrates a sentence or 2 that he either writes in the notebook or you write, cut out the picture provided and add to narration or draw your own. That is it for daily work. Once a week is an experiment using normal household items. We added in library books and RSO only because we like science and dd wanted more experiments...but just ES by itself is fine.

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I have no real business commenting, but I just bought Sassafras Zoology and I'm very excited about it. I think it looks great.


Same here...just got it last week and it looks wonderful. Funny thing is dd is already doing 2 sciences (Sl Science D and Apologia Flying Creatures) so I have no idea when we will use it but I just had to get it because it looked too good to not get.

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We purchased grammar stage biology to use next year for first grade. I've already obtained all of the recommended books and have read through the whole program. It looks fantastic to me. At this stage, I don't want to get bogged down in the details. I just want a broad introduction and this seems perfect.

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DS used ESA this year. The first half was great. The second half...not so much. It became too easy. And there was TONS of evolution. The experiments in the second half all seemed the same, just used different materials.


2 do my dd used sassafras. It was ok. The book was interesting to read--they did it on their own. They filled the habitat sheets, etc out on their own. But they also found LOTS of editing mistakes. Made me annoyed really that they picked out so many mistakes.

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We used the Chemistry for grammar stage for about 2.5 months. It was not a good fit. I was excited to use it and wanted to love it, but it felt like a lot of copy work, busy work, and jumping around and not much real science. We switched to RSO which we both liked better and supplemented a bit.

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That depends on the book you use. With ES, I found you do not have to use the book they mention, as long as the topic for the day is the same you can use anything you want. I don't think it is mentioned in the grammar stage, what I mean is mentioned for study...if the book you use mentions it then it will be there and how it is presented will be up to you

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I have no real business commenting, but I just bought Sassafras Zoology and I'm very excited about it. I think it looks great.


Have you read any of the Reader yet? I'm wondering if it really is a good book or just a disguised textbook?



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DS used ESA this year. The first half was great. The second half...not so much. It became too easy. And there was TONS of evolution. The experiments in the second half all seemed the same, just used different materials.


2 do my dd used sassafras. It was ok. The book was interesting to read--they did it on their own. They filled the habitat sheets, etc out on their own. But they also found LOTS of editing mistakes. Made me annoyed really that they picked out so many mistakes.


Really? We are doing ESA right now... About week 30 or so and I don't recall anything about evolution beyond the fact that the books are secular and I change the millions of years comments in the fly...maybe we haven't gotten to that part yet?

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I wanted to add that we read supplemental books for almost every lesson. We watched videos too when I came across one that was appropriate and/or attention-holding. I found some great books for the human body section. I ended up buying them to have for the future. I'm planning on compiling a list once school winds down.

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DS used ESA this year. The first half was great. The second half...not so much. It became too easy. And there was TONS of evolution. The experiments in the second half all seemed the same, just used different materials.



There's discussion on evolution in the Earth Science/Astronomy course? I don't even recall seeing evolution mentioned in the Biology course.

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There's discussion on evolution in the Earth Science/Astronomy course? I don't even recall seeing evolution mentioned in the Biology course.



In the logic E&S, it is mentioned at the beginning of the lessons plans that if you want to teach it, you can, and if not, skip that part of the book. I taught it, because we believe in the Big Bang, but it's not an integral part of the program. FTR, we have not found the logic stage too easy.

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Is Elemental Science secular or Christian?

Although I am a Christian, I have tried to write Elemental Science as non-sectarian. I have done my best to write each program in a manner that focuses on the science being studied instead of a person’s religious viewpoint. This was an easy task for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. However, in the interest of full disclosure, we do require that you use books that come from an evolutionary standpoint. In the elementary years, we do not schedule pages that deal directly with evolution or Big Bang. In the intermediate years, pages that deal with the Big Bang are included as an optional study (Please view the Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage sample to get a better idea of how this is handled.) If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact us.



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Is Elemental Science secular or Christian?

Although I am a Christian, I have tried to write Elemental Science as non-sectarian. I have done my best to write each program in a manner that focuses on the science being studied instead of a person’s religious viewpoint. This was an easy task for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. However, in the interest of full disclosure, we do require that you use books that come from an evolutionary standpoint. In the elementary years, we do not schedule pages that deal directly with evolution or Big Bang. In the intermediate years, pages that deal with the Big Bang are included as an optional study (Please view the Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage sample to get a better idea of how this is handled.) If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact us.



Ah. It's the Big Bang and not evolution in ES/A. Although I guess that could be classified as OE. Well, as I am Catholic, the Elemental Science approach is fine by me. I wanted a secular approach to science.

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We used ESA for the Logic Stage for 4th grade, but we just didn't do as much writing. He loves science and this was a great fit for us. The experiment was the highlight of his week. I am glad that Kathryn posted the exact wording from the author about evolution because that is what is in the book. We are Christians but I did choose to read the Big Bang theory with my son and we talked about it in the context of our beliefs. I think that this is an easy-to-use curriculum and was easy to get done every week. We hardly tweaked it at all. Although a few experiments seemed contrived just to have an experiment that week that went with the topic, they were all fairly easy to do and most of all, they are what made this fun for my son. I love the fact that the experiment worksheets take them through the scientific method each week. We are either doing Biology for the LS or Chemistry for the LS (if it is completed in time :-) for next year.

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We have been using ES this year - Biology for the Grammar Stage & we have really enjoyed science. We did start by using the encyclopedia recommended, but now use the DK (I think) as it has more info. However the recommended one (sorry the title slips my mind at present) is not a bad one, but my son wanted more info. We also added in books from the library on each animal & also some stories & poems about the animals e.g. Knut the polar bear was one of the books we read.

One of things I have enjoyed most is that so far 95% of our experiments have worked out, which is always a good thing :thumbup1:

I am planning on using ES for Earth & Astronomy in Gr 2.

We are in Australia so our school year is the same as the calendar year so we are almost at the end of the animals section of the biology one & almost half way through the school year - where has it gone!

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