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Anyone reading or finished Breaking Dawn Please no spoilers!

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I have the book on reserve at the library. I am 17th on the list. Is it as good as the others? Would you give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down? I have read the first three book this summer and they have been good summer reads. ie I have not had to think to hard :lol: I actually thought the story was a trilogy as I usually won't read a series of books until they are all finished (I know I am weird) I certainly am hoping that the others who get the book before me read it quickly and return it.:001_smile:

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I went to put a hold on the audiobook at the library and the first message that popped up was "Waiting for Breaking Dawn?" So, apparently, I wasn't the first one with the idea! :glare: I am also 80th on the list for the book, but I really LOVE the audio of these books.

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I went to put a hold on the audiobook at the library and the first message that popped up was "Waiting for Breaking Dawn?" So, apparently, I wasn't the first one with the idea! :glare: I am also 80th on the list for the book, but I really LOVE the audio of these books.

I have the audio for Twilight on reserve. Why do you like the audio version so much? I am hoping to have the whole family listen to the book so dh and ds know the story before we see the movie. Or I may just listen to it while I tread.

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Ok, I am clueless about this book, but I was in HEB this morning and walked right by the pile of them wondering to myself 'What was this one about", but I kept on walking. I just went to PBS to check it out and OMG! there are 790 people wanting this book. :ohmy:

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Ok, I am clueless about this book, but I was in HEB this morning and walked right by the pile of them wondering to myself 'What was this one about", but I kept on walking. I just went to PBS to check it out and OMG! there are 790 people wanting this book. :ohmy:

Hmmm...if I waited to get it from PBS I wonder how long it would take. I don't think I have that much patience. Breaking Dawn is the 4th book in a series by Stephenie Myers The others in order are Twlight, New Moon and Eclipse. The target audience is teens although lots of adults enjoy the series. They are not for everyone as they are about vampires etc. Personally I don't like scary books and have not found them scary just a bit suspenseful. I had the first book(via PBS) on my shelf for a year before I decided to read it. Frankly I didn't think I would enjoy it much. Well three days later I had finished it and started book 2.

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I looked up the book on my library just to see what you're talking about. There are 329 holds on it (out of 225 copies). Anyway, reading about vampires isn't my cuppa. I hope you get the book soon. It will depend on how many copies the library has. Jacqui


....and they are still on order. What is wrong with these people! Oh well patience is a virtue. I have to say I didn't think I would like the books either because the the vampire thing. Well they really aren't what you generally think of as vampires. I would call it more of an internal struggle between good and evil. You would have to read it to know what I am saying. I don't want to give too much of the story away for those who haven't read it.

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We bought the book the opening night/day. I've been just as eagers as my teen girls. My 16yog enjoyed it thoroughly and wont spoil anything for me... she says that her peers were disappointed a bit... a little let down. The book has 3 parts to it. I've just finished the first part. It's an easy read... a bit predictable so far... I can foresee some things, so it will be fun to see if I am right or not...

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I finished Saturday night and I'm halfway through my 2nd reading now. I am very satisfied by this last book! :) I was surprised by a number of things, and ran the spectrum of emotions while reading! Still, I'm feeling very satisfied by how the series ended. I hope you get it quickly!

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Well, that's one nice thing about my library. When there's a strong demand (read "craze") for a new book, they buy hundreds of copies. If you're # 17 on the list out of 22 copies they are going to buy, then you should be one of the first to get it when the books finally get processed. Your description of the books intrigues me. What prompted you to start reading them?

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I looked up the book on my library just to see what you're talking about. There are 329 holds on it (out of 225 copies). Anyway, reading about vampires isn't my cuppa. I hope you get the book soon. It will depend on how many copies the library has. Jacqui


I absolutely HATE (I mean seriously hate) vampire books, but I really like these. I started it on the recommendation of someone else before I knew it was a vampire book, otherwise I never would have picked it up.

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My oldest is reading this! In fact, she went to a party for it at Borders on Friday night and then bought the book at midnight. I've barely seen her since then! LOL!


She has commented that she doesn't like it as well as she did the other two, but she hadn't finished it yet.

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I have the audio for Twilight on reserve. Why do you like the audio version so much? I am hoping to have the whole family listen to the book so dh and ds know the story before we see the movie. Or I may just listen to it while I tread.


The reader is Ilyana Kadushin and she has a great voice for these books.

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I finished the book Saturday night. I am a huge fan of the Twilight series, and re-read the others last week while waiting for the release of this one.


Without spoilers, I'll just say I didn't expect some of the twists and turns the plot took, and I expected more from the end with the buildup that was happening. I do think that Stephenie tied up the important loose ends fairly nicely, but still feel like there could be more stories related to some secondary characters that I would love to see.


I would have a harder time handing this one to a 12-year-old than any of the other ones, because there are more sexual references and innuendos and such, though no outright explicit sex scenes or anything.


It was nice to see Bella come into her own, and not have to lean on others as much.


So - unexpected, kind of creepy at times, didn't have quite the same sweetness that the first ones did, but still gripping and overall a definite thumbs up!!!

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Well, that's one nice thing about my library. When there's a strong demand (read "craze") for a new book, they buy hundreds of copies. If you're # 17 on the list out of 22 copies they are going to buy, then you should be one of the first to get it when the books finally get processed. Your description of the books intrigues me. What prompted you to start reading them?


I had just finished my 888 reading listed which includes lots of Jane Austen as well as history/school related books. I wanted something very different from all of that for summer. Wow did I find that in the Twilight series. Although interestingly the author is a fan of Jane Austen and you can hear that in the series at times. ie one of the character likes to read Pride and Prejudice etc and a few quotes have a very Austen ring to them.

PS Jacqui My dh gave me a flute for my birthday and I am having a blast playing it. I have gotten very into a collection of Celtic tunes for Flute and Guitar.

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"PS Jacqui My dh gave me a flute for my birthday and I am having a blast playing it. I have gotten very into a collection of Celtic tunes for Flute and Guitar."


I am insanely jealous of your new flute! (not the flute exactly, but the fun, fun, fun, you're having with it!) What kind did you end up getting?

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"PS Jacqui My dh gave me a flute for my birthday and I am having a blast playing it. I have gotten very into a collection of Celtic tunes for Flute and Guitar."


I am insanely jealous of your new flute! (not the flute exactly, but the fun, fun, fun, you're having with it!) What kind did you end up getting?


It was brand new and I got it at a great price on that big auction site. I am so thrilled with the flute. It has a wonderful tone and playing it again has been easier than I thought it would be. I am working on tone a lot. I bought The Flute book and another book of exercises that are really interesting. Mainly I am having a blast with the Celtic music. It is so perfect for flute. You can listen to some of the composer playing it on You Tube. Let me know if you would like a link to it.

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Yes, I finished it Saturday night and thought it was fantastic!!! I laughed and cried and was shocked in some places and sitting on the edge of my seat in others. But I should also say that I am a member of an online fan forum :blush: and was surprised that there were actually a lot of people who posted that they didn't like the book much at all. :confused:

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I think if you enjoyed the first three, you'll enjoy the fourth. There were a few aspects of the story I questioned (but that's all I'm going to say -- don't want to give anything away), but I did thoroughly enjoy it -- as I did with the previous three. They're great escapist fun! A big bowl of ice cream in this hot, hot summer... :)

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Guest Amy in MS

Uh, well, I'd just say I'm a rabid fan, (loved the first 3) but I was seriously let down. Just not good. Not good at all. There were some shining moments, of course, but overall? Meh.


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