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I am trying to find a curriculum that will encompass more than one subject together. I Amon a tight budget. I like so light but it' to expensive. I have been considering, MFW, TOG and Trail Guide to Learning. I will have a 3rd and 5th grader and would like to do as much as possible together. I already have R & S 3 for English and I know what math I want. I have read mixed reviews on MFW and got apprehensive ( as that was my first choice). Please help me in making a choice. Any advice on things I need to add. I don't want to overwhelm them but I want to make sure they are getting enough. My oldest does WWE . My 8yr old isn't a strong reader so should I just focus on that. So many questions but I am nervous at this time of year.



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If you are on a tight budget I would look at MFW, it isn't just history. It has science, all your literature, and history. It also includes art and basic music. TOG is mainly just your history and literature. Also if you decide you want to change things it is much easier to do so with MFW. Just add in your LA and math and you are good to go (of course I should take my own advice, lol)

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I bought a quarter of TOG year 1 to try. Printed it out but ended up never using it. I,wanted something more cohesive. We used Mystery of History ancients. We added homeschool in the woods bible lapbook ing and also notebooking. I used sonlight, TOG, etc. book lists as well as various selections from the library. When we got burnt out in the winter (long winter) we at least had MOH to stay on track.


Not exactly what you're asking about, but thought I would share our experience.


Separately we had a bible study and science. It really isn't necessary to buy boxed curriculum but of your 2 choices I would pick MFW at that age

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Thank you all for your advice. Sine I will need to add LA to MFW what would you suggest? We did R & S this year and I neither really love it or hate it. Should I stick with WWE since we didn't finish it or go to WWS? Does my 5th grader need to do spelling or just do vocabulary? We do both now so I wondered if I should keep it that way.

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I use Rod and staff spelling which incorporates some vocab. I feel with reading, audio books and R&S spelling that mine are getting enough vocab enrichment.


How is dd9 doing with spelling? Mine are natural spellers but I find they can still use word study at this age. R&S spelling is easy to do (20min a day)


I do R&S English with my two at the same level. I also like First language lessons. For writing, IMO dd9 is young for WWS. Susan wise Bauer does say you can go from WWE3 to WWS - you don't HAVE to get through level 4 first. I, still struggling with whether I should start my 11 year old on WWS next year or wait a year. My dd will be 9 in 23 days but she will not be doing WWS next year.

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We do spelling right now with SW6 since my d's 10 and it's fine. We also do vocab. I have considered going to RS for spelling also but MFW suggest SW and ILL so I was wondering if those were better. Has anyone used either of those?

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