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Once Upon A Time 5/5 Spoilers


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So is Peter Pan a shadow monster? Sure looked that way to me. I am thinking that Neil went to Never Land and that is why they end up there. I was kinda shocked that Gregs father was actually killed off. I really figured she would have him in some cell some where like Belle. I think Belle will now become more trouble for Gold. I figure he will come to a point where he feels like this isn't the way it was suppose to be or something. I think Tamara will die off in the Storybrooke explosion since it is doubtful she is going to continue with becoming a regular on The Walking Dead. I wonder if Neil and Hook were buddies? Next week is the finale! I am sure we will be left to wonder all summer! So who else watched?

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I want to know why Regina has been so eager to grab Henry and go back - er, doesn't she still have that permanent mark on her hand that lures the soul-sucker dementor thing that was sent to FairyTale land? How can it be safe for her to go there?



And - how could she have a "fail safe" for the Big Curse she got from Rumple? She didn't make the curse, he did. She just turned it on with her dad's heart etc.


C'mon, now.


I did like the twist on Peter Pan. Creepy!


I do hope the finale sends them back to Fairy Tale Land for next season - then maybe we won't have annoying characters like Tamara showing up.


I want more Grandma and Ruby!

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The whole Belle as a bad girl bores me. I don't find it believable.

I was hoping the dad was still alive and it would not surprise me if there is a twist in there somehow.

Creepy peter pan shadow made me think of a dementer.

Love that we are starting to get Neils back story. I figured he had a connection to neverland.

Definitely need more Grandma and Ruby.


I am trying not to focus on the implausability of Regina's curse backdoor and am waiting to see what happens when they all return to the enchanted forest and I am hoping that will be the last we see of Tamara. Although I am curious who she is working for. The Church? A wealthy lunatic? What is the organization.

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I want to know why Regina has been so eager to grab Henry and go back - er, doesn't she still have that permanent mark on her hand that lures the soul-sucker dementor thing that was sent to FairyTale land? How can it be safe for her to go there?



And - how could she have a "fail safe" for the Big Curse she got from Rumple? She didn't make the curse, he did. She just turned it on with her dad's heart etc.


C'mon, now.


I did like the twist on Peter Pan. Creepy!


I do hope the finale sends them back to Fairy Tale Land for next season - then maybe we won't have annoying characters like Tamara showing up.


I want more Grandma and Ruby!


I was kinda wondering about the curse thing too. Wouldn't Rumple know about that? I don't know about the dementor thing either it has not been spoken of yet. Maybe they have forgotten all about it and when they get back it will be like a surprise! Hey I waited for you friend now I am gonna eat your sould kinda thing! I don't think they could get the whole copyright thing with Peter straightened out so they made him a shadow with the hopes of changing him later? Honestly I didn't like the whole Tamara Greg science thing it was just annoying in my opinion. And they really need to stop just having Hook disappear. He is there then he is gone, where did he go? I wish they would use Ruby a bit more too. Hello she could have sniffed Regina out!
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The whole Belle as a bad girl bores me. I don't find it believable.

I was hoping the dad was still alive and it would not surprise me if there is a twist in there somehow.

Creepy peter pan shadow made me think of a dementer.

Love that we are starting to get Neils back story. I figured he had a connection to neverland.

Definitely need more Grandma and Ruby.


I am trying not to focus on the implausability of Regina's curse backdoor and am waiting to see what happens when they all return to the enchanted forest and I am hoping that will be the last we see of Tamara. Although I am curious who she is working for. The Church? A wealthy lunatic? What is the organization.

I don't think we will ever know much about The Organization! I think that was just a mention that will be forgotten. Belle is not a good bad girl she just isn't. I have never seen the actress play a bad girl maybe she just don't have it in her? So if she leaves to another enchanted world what happens to her memories?

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Wait, isn't Bae Peter Pan?



I hadn't thought of that. I assumed The Shadow was Peter Pan.



Really thought Tamara would be killed off in this episode. And I find Lacey annoying. Though I got the feeling she might want to gain immortality for herself. Or just try to help Gold take out Henry. I expect we'll see Neil again someday. Maybe Greg's dad too?

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In the book, Peter loses his shadow by having it get stuck in the window (I think...) when Peter comes too close to listen to stories at Wendy's nursery. ETA--I mean, I think the window SHUTS on it... She finds it and puts it in the drawer, then wakes one night to find Peter trying to stick it back on himself with soap (and she kindly sews it on for him).


I wonder what they will do as explanation.

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In the book, Peter loses his shadow by having it get stuck in the window (I think...) when Peter comes too close to listen to stories at Wendy's nursery. ETA--I mean, I think the window SHUTS on it... She finds it and puts it in the drawer, then wakes one night to find Peter trying to stick it back on himself with soap (and she kindly sews it on for him).


I wonder what they will do as explanation.


Maybe the shadow is evil cause it got lost and Bae helps it find its way back to his owner or something LOL

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i was trying to remember if Bae knows who Hook is? that Hook is who his mom ran off with? we knew he was a lost boy - that he'd been somewhere he didnt age and he knew how to drive Hook's ship . . . i really hope we havent seen the last of Neil, i really like him. i dont think he's peter pan, tho.


i did wonder, tho - in the peter pan story, Wendy always told her brothers stories - she didnt do that in this bit, and i was surprised. there was a book on the bed in a shot, but . . . awfully minimalistic peter pan there

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Maybe Bae defeats the dementer shadow and becomes Peter Pan.


That's what I wondered! Either that or Hook has PP captured and Bae has to rescue and reunite him with his shadow. I don't think the shadow means to be evil. Wendy said he showed up about the same time as Bae which means it was there to collect the "lost boy" but since it's just the shadow it's a little confused :p


I forgot about the creepy dementor things out to get Regina. I agree, for her to suddenly reveal a fail safe is a little annoying.


Bae did mention knowing hook when he stabbed rumple in NY.


I was so hoping they would go into the wormhole together so we could see another fantasy world and the two of them trying to get back and falling in love with each other again :( bummer.

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That's what I wondered! Either that or Hook has PP captured and Bae has to rescue and reunite him with his shadow. I don't think the shadow means to be evil. Wendy said he showed up about the same time as Bae which means it was there to collect the "lost boy" but since it's just the shadow it's a little confused :p


I forgot about the creepy dementor things out to get Regina. I agree, for her to suddenly reveal a fail safe is a little annoying.


Bae did mention knowing hook when he stabbed rumple in NY.


I was so hoping they would go into the wormhole together so we could see another fantasy world and the two of them trying to get back and falling in love with each other again :( bummer.


Well they are going somewhere so they still may end up together!

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The creepy shadow was a really interesting twist on Peter Pan. I liked that. I hope we've seen the last of Tamara and Greg. I find the two of them annoying. Maybe Hook will do away with them? I guess we may see a "good" Regina again for a little while since Snow and Charming saved her life, but I'm sure it won't last. I really dread the cliffhanger that is surely coming, though...makes for a long summer!

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The creepy shadow was a really interesting twist on Peter Pan. I liked that. I hope we've seen the last of Tamara and Greg. I find the two of them annoying. Maybe Hook will do away with them? I guess we may see a "good" Regina again for a little while since Snow and Charming saved her life, but I'm sure it won't last. I really dread the cliffhanger that is surely coming, though...makes for a long summer!


Yes it does a very long summer!

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Was the failsafe really a surprise? I have a very vague recollection of Rumple telling Regina to leave herself a way out back when they were talking about using the curse.


Or did I just make that up?


I have no idea which episode that might be in so I'm hoping someone else will know if it's true or not.

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