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Proms & Graduation: Limo Safety

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I know that many of the senior proms are already over with, but I did want to pass on a safety tip for those of you who still have children attending proms or graduation parties that will include the use of a limousine.


It has been several years since I have been in a limousine and I did not think to talk to my son about safety. I knew he was going to the prom with a good group of kids and didn't expect any issues. Apparently their limo had what they thought was a moon roof which was actually an emergency escape hatch. Two of the girls were standing and the wind pushed the hatch back down with one of the girls catching her hand. The hatch tore off three of her fingernails and the limo driver took her and her date on to the emergency room. One of the guys used his pocket square to wrap her hand and apply pressure, but beyond that, the kids didn't really know what to do. The group is close knit and this was really upsetting.


I wish I had gone online before the fact and discovered that people standing up in the limos and sticking their heads out of the hatch is a common safety hazard. This was also a reminder to have all of our kids take a Red Cross safety class.


We often talk on this board about the skills our kids will need to navigate safely through life. I hope our evening's misadventure will be helpful for someone else.

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Wow. I probably would have thought it was a sunroof, too! My kids know not to stand up through them, but sometimes, we do things we know we shouldn't in the spur of the moment.


The poor kids... they'll remember that, for sure. I hope the girl's hand heals quickly.

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Thanks for sharing that with us, Lisa -- it's the kind of thing that, even when you already know about it, it probably doesn't dawn on you to warn your kids about it on prom night. Most parents are busy helping their kids get ready, taking pictures, and reminding them not to drink or do anything stupid, that limo safety isn't even discussed beyond maybe a quick reminder to use the seat belts.

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Yes, do they know what happened yet? Was there something inappropriate going on in the limo = since they said it started from the rear, not where the engine was and seemingly inside the limo? By inappropriate I mean things like fireworks or something else flammable going on, not inappropriate in any other way.

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