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Dr. Hive, It's hard not to get worried when dd is sick again.


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Oldest dd woke me up last night because she found her sister in the living room sick, holding her head, too nauseous to lie down.


She seemed to be getting some energy back after whatever hit her last week, and now she's down again.


I don't want to overreact but dd has been sick so often this winter and spring. I've posted about it, wondering if it could be her iron levels or allergies. At times, it has seemed like a virus, and other people around us have seemed to have had a touch of what she has had. But for her it's worse and the fatigue and general ill feeling linger for weeks sometimes.


Can I mention one weird thing I've noticed? When it's a nice day and she's outside, even for a short time, her face looks really sunburnt after coming in, not flushed. Then it goes away. I don't remember seeing that type of reaction in her before this year.


Thanks for letting me vent. I know people are dealing with a lot worse than we are, but I'd really like for things to be normal. I think of myself as someone who looks for the good in situations, but we're at the four year mark of something always being wrong, and maybe it's just taking it's toll on me.

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Sorry, I haven't read your other posts on your daughter so I don't know what her past illnesses are or how old she is. Is it possible that she could be getting migraine headaches? (I was thinking about her holding her head and feeling nauseated.) One of my daughters was 15 or 16, and it was when the H1N1 flu was going around. She became so sick at an event she was at, that the supervisor sent her home thinking she had that flu. She was feverish, nauseated, and had a terrible headache. The fever went away pretty quickly, and eventually the nausea did, but she was left with a powerful headache. It turns out, that was her first severe migraine. That was 3 years ago, and she has had a chronic migraine ever since. Migraines have lots of varied symptoms, and don't even involve a headache all of the time.


Anyway, just a thought! I'm sorry your daughter is dealing with this. :grouphug:

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Thanks for all the replies.


I've wondered about Lymes. Since we're in the woods a lot, she could have got a tick bite without us knowing it. She hasn't complained about pains, but there seems to be some kind of cycling that's going on. It could her being hit hard by viruses and then taking weeks to fully recover and then she's hit again, but I remember hearing there are cycles with Lymes. But I really hate to put her through bloodwork again unless I have something more to go on. Her reaction was soooo bad last time.


Migraines are something too consider, too. She hasn't complained about bad headaches but I know they show up in weird ways, too. Her doctor, when she was having stomach problems, brought up abdominal migraines. But I would still expect some pain. I get ocular migraines that don't give me pain but leave me feeling really weird. That describes what she's said to me--I don't feel sick I just feel really weird and tired. When I asked her if the fatigue is in her limbs, she said it's like her brain won't wake up.


One more thing that hit me last night is that she has grown A LOT. I was standing next to her with heels on and she looked at least as tall as I am, and she had bare feet. She's 12 and taller than me. Could someone get this exhausted by going through a growth spurt?

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if you live in an area where Lymes could be a concern, PLEASE take her to a Lymes Literate Doctor (ONLY!) to have her tested for Lymes. My daughter with Lymes was sick a lot the year before the was diagnosed, and she ALWAYS got much sicker than anyone else. She finally landed in the hospital over a virus. Two infectious disease teams checked her out because they couldn't understand why she was much sicker than the other kids with the virus. They all went home after a couple of days, she was in for four days.


Her treatment has gone remarkably well. So well, in fact, that the doctor called this week to get my permission to use her as a case study. She was sickly and very underweight, and she has gained 32 lbs since starting treatment last October.



Her fatigue was REALLY bad.

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Thanks for the replies, everyone. :grouphug:


Denise, I'm glad to hear your dd is doing well. I often think of you and have wondered how your dd is doing. Did your dd have any joint issues or was it mostly fatigue and lowered immunity?

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The pediatrician looked back at her blood work from months ago and was worried that her EOS was high. That's a white blood cell count that can be high in cases of allergies and parasites. Lyme disease is caused by a parasite in a way, isn't it?


Right now the pediatrician is recommending having her take Claritin or Allegra everyday, though I'm thinking it couldn't hurt for her to get allergy tested. She has seemed a bit better after a few days of allergy meds.


I think I need to get her a Lyme's test, but I hate to put her through the blood work again. I may have to do it when dh is home in case we have to deal with another bad reaction.

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