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Just sitting in the waiting room...dd having oral surgery now.


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I have dreaded this day...thought we had escaped it...but here we are, working to save her front bottom teeth by pulling 4 permanent and the remainder of her baby teeth (one of her permanent 1-year molars is impacted...so she is asleep). I've been "under" four times, but since my mother's heart stopped (twice!!) while being put under anesthesia, and they handed me that paper with all of the potential complications (UGH), I can't help but be a bit nervous. We're past the point of any anesthesia complications...now just waiting on them to finish and go be with my little girl. The waiting part, and feeling bad for what she's going through, not being able to "protect" her from this...but knowing we're doing the right thing is just a bit tough.


I am also very thankful that it appears our insurance will be covering more of this than we were initially told...


Now, I'm going to try to write some lesson plans.

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She is out. All is well...poor thing, felt she was coherent before she really was. I could see that she was getting frustrated trying to communicate. We're home, she's resting ("eating" a Popsicle). I'm trying to get the rest of the kids back to school. Hopefully, I won't have to do this again with any of the kids for 6 years...(when it's my now 4yo's turn...my oldest is missing his wisdom teeth, he gets off lucky)

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