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I give up...


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What does it say when a supposed "Home education group" is willing to justify spending $450 on parties (most of which appeal to a niche group of people within the group), but won't approve a budget request for $50 to get a venue for a science fair-with the justification being "not everyone will participate".




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What does it say when a supposed "Home education group" is willing to justify spending $450 on parties (most of which appeal to a niche group of people within the group), but won't approve a budget request for $50 to get a venue for a science fair-with the justification being "not everyone will participate".



It says that those people have vastly different priorities from yours.

I am sorry. And I commiserate; I have not found a group that shares our priorities (our group is just a lot poorer and could not spend this much money on anything)

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Wow, that's a lot of money for a party! It must be a huge homeschool group. Maybe those parents don't understand that kids love science projects. DD is always gathering materials herself and seeing if the books are correct. I'm not very hands-on with science demonstrations, and we are close enough to the Exploratorium.

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I think the thing is that the group, right now, has money built up and a lot of the oldest kids are asking parents about having a prom or some other big production (renting a skating rink or a swimming pool for a night, etc) and even if we collect money for tickets, that required budgeting a lot up front.


I can still make science fair work, but I'll either have to collect money before we can set a date, or front the cost myself. I've done that before-but when the group was just a handful of families, not when it was so big.

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What does it say when a supposed "Home education group" is willing to justify spending $450 on parties (most of which appeal to a niche group of people within the group), but won't approve a budget request for $50 to get a venue for a science fair-with the justification being "not everyone will participate".





It says the group has priorities other than yours. What a shame.

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The science fair we attended last year before we moved was one of my daughter's favorite things we've done. I haven't heard of anything like that around here yet. I'd even be willing to put on a science fair myself if I knew more people nearby. You can guess that I would have approved the money!

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That's the thing-the church is willing to let us use their space for a $50 reduced rent. That's dirt cheap-but we need to get on their schedule early so that it's available. I've got a month or two before that becomes critical-but it's kind of hard to ask parents for money when we don't have a date yet.



I'm actually considering putting a sign up at the book sale next week that all proceeds from my table will go into the "Academic activities fund" and let THAT be the seed money for things like Science fair, spelling bee, math team, ACL classics club/NJCL, and so on. I don't worry about making money or getting money back at the book sale-it's more, for me, like a "book adoption event" so that I can get the materials to people who will use them without having more fuss than loading them and unloading them once-anything I don't sell will be donated to the library for their book sale anyway.

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