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Dr. Hive: Food poisoning treatments?


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Up all last night with food poisoning. I looked up some natural treatments: strong tea, charcoal caps, and probiotics. I was on heavy antibiotics for bronchitis a few weeks ago so I know my immune system is weak.


Any suggestions? I cannot miss work tomorrow because of state testing. I know logic says let it run its course, but I know some of you know how this feels...I want to curl into a ball until it goes away.



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I'm sorry. Food poisoning is awful. :grouphug:


Activated charcoal capsules really work for our family. That would be the first thing I would take, followed by lots of water throughout the day to flush out the toxins. Probiotics are always a good idea.


Hope you feel better soon!

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Water. Water. Water.

I think of it as "flushing out my system", but really - you will feel better faster if you stay hydrated and water helps your digestive system clean itself out. Drink water everytime you trot to the bathroom (sorry!). Some folks like that electrolyte water, but I think you get just as much success from straight water.


Eat a little if you can keep it down, but no sugary or fatty foods. BRAT helps around here - banana, rice, apple sauce, toast.

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Whole Foods carries a Critical Care probiotics that has 50 billionty flora or whatever. It is expensive but it works. The person working in that area highly recommended it. Stay hydrated if you can. I hope testing goes quickly and you can rush home to rest.

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