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kindergarten graduation?

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So as my little one is finishing up Kinder, I am trying to figure out what we can do to make it a special occasion. I remember my kinder graduation with cap/gown, along with all my siblings'. It was a fun event. I am kind of sad to think that dd will miss out on that and wondering what we can do. Any ideas?

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Why don't you make/print out a certificate? There are plenty of sites on the web that have them.


Roll it up, attach a nice ribbon round it, and present it to her on her "final" day. Give it to her in the morning, and don't do school that day, but take her out for ice-cream and a movie, or something fun (a day at the park, go to a local themepark,)


You could spruce it up a bit more by attaching streamers across her door in the morning, so she has to rip/pass through them, like at the end of a race. Have lots of balloons and stuff about. Confetti, what-have-you.


Sparklers are also fun :D


Maybe you could do up a little presentation book of photos of her over the past year doing projects/pictures of her work. I keep all my kids stuff (including photos) in binders from previous years, and they love looking through them

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We have a party for our homeschool group at a pizza/games place. The pre-K and Kinder kids wear the cute little caps (ordered from Oriental trading or something similar) and get a certificate, and older kids who have earned awards/participated in activity groups and the like get what they've earned. Then they all have time to play. This year, it's April 30-the pizza place has better group deals in April than in May because schools come in May ;).

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After each schoolyear, we have a celebration party. All the kids' hands-on projects are displayed, a photobook of our schoolyear is available, etc. We have finger foods, and invite grandparents. It's a big deal in our house. (And afterward we de-clutter all the craft projects and get ready to start fresh next year.)

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