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I need a Christian/Bible based reading program


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I need a reading program for my youngest daughter (2nd grade). For this year, we had settled on her simply reading and utilizing Grammar Island. Unfortunately, our year became majorly off-track in November and is only now getting back in order. She is in therapy due to trauma and anxiety. We did not utilize Grammar Island after November. I plan to spend part of our summer going through it with both girls.


She is a bit OCD-ish (related to her anxiety) about God and willingly reads the Bible and Bible stories every day. Since schoolwork also makes her anxious, I'm hoping to 'trick' her into wanting to learn with a Bible based or Christian based reading program. As well, due to her trauma - she becomes upset if she reads about children dying or moderate violence.


She is a strong reader but her comprehension (regarding re-telling) is questionable. She can answer questions just fine and has great recall of what she read (she just can't put it in her own words).


Any suggestions?

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Rod and Staff reading is all Bible stories, along w/comprehension workbooks. Starting in 2nd grade, the English grammar is separate in a grammar text, but it uses a lot of Bible references. Might be worth a look.


Also, Memoria Press has a Christian Studies Program where all of the reading is directly out of the Golden Children's Bible and it has workbooks with comprehension, vocabulary work, and maps. It can be used as a full reading program. But again, you would need a separate grammar book (perhaps the R&S English text with this?)

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Well, if you're not opposed to BJU, they are a Christian-denomination-of-some-sort company.

I have their 2nd grade LA's program but never used it (we've decided to go with something lighter next year for my oldest, who is a struggling reader). But I like the look of the program. It uses 2 reading books (with a variety of stories, plays, poems) + a workbook (which covers some phonics, lots of comprehension, retelling, etc). I also have BJUs English and it looks great, very age-appropriate (and includes writing instruction).


But I definitely think they're worth looking at! A very complete program.


I've also liked what R&S and CLE I've used (though they -- especially CLE -- heavily use diacritical markings in their language arts).

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