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going in for IUD this morning


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I'm a bit nervous. Ok, I'm scared. The doctor I'm using this time has the most experience, will use ultrasound, and will give me a cervical block. That cervical block sounds pretty painful though. But compared to the two previous, failed attempts at insertion with the midwife, I'll take it.


I dreamt this was painless and easy. Somehow I doubt it...I dreamt labor was painless too and that never came true :)

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UPDATE: It is in and it is over! Soooo much better an experience this time! He used ultrasound to find my uterus and cervix first (cervix is tipped weird and my uterus likes to fold in a c shape), then sprayed my cervix with numbing stuff, then did a cervical block that barely hurt. Worst part was when he had to pull on my cervix to straighten out the bend in my uterus. And then after he got it in it slipped right back out, I think. He went from joking with me to whispering with the nurse...but then he got it in and all is well. I'm cramping pretty badly....and I forgot to take ibuprofen before hand so they gave me 800 mg before I left. That's bringing it down to period like cramps. I'm trying to decide if i will take my son to his co-op today at the park. It would mean hanging out at the park for a few hours with my active 3 year old and the baby. Might take my mind off the pain, or might exhaust me..not sure what is right to do.


In good news I had the presence of mind to put stuff for beef stew in a ziplock last night, so I just need to dump it in the crock pot this morning and dinner is taken care of :)

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I am glad it worked out ok!


My uterus expelled mine about 3 weeks after insertion, so . . . watch out. :) Expulsion doesn't happen very often, but with your uterus curled up like that and the fact that it slipped out once right after insertion, I'd be on the lookout. It was completely painless when it came out, though--just a big surprise.

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