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Site slower with new security?

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I am so grateful for the boards being back up and appreciate the effort it took to get them there. I have noticed that it takes a long time to move from thread to thread. Is this a result of additional security or my computer, although this is the only site I am having a speed issue with.

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It's undoubtedly a result of the added security or the attack itself. On another thread, it said that the CloudFlare browser-check business would only happen if there was an attack actively happening, and presumably the slow-down is related to either this or the ridiculously high traffic that occurs during a DDOS attack.


So definitely look at it as a trade-off for being able to use the site at all, and it should improve when the attack ends.

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So definitely look at it as a trade-off for being able to use the site at all, and it should improve when the attack ends.


I sure hope so! It's taking 10 seconds or more to load every page for me, which makes it unusable. I'll check back in a few days to see if it's any better.

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Does the added security include the "prove you are not a robot" part before you are allowed to post? I responded to a thread and then pretty quickly responded to another post within the same thread (forgot to add something before I hit post the first time). Before the site would allow me to post, I had to enter the random strings of letters/words like what you find on blogs (I'm sorry I don't know the technical name).

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