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Could you spare some good thoughts?

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My last post today - I promise.


I'm doing something fun tonight. It should be really, really fun. I'm going to see the Police and Elvis Costello at an open-air venue.


The problem? Well, I hate crowds. I hate going to concerts because of the crowds. Big venues scare the heck out of me. It's stupid, but it comes from years of getting sick in movie theatres, at plays, concerts, and so on because of people's perfume and because of the crazy additives in movie popcorn, etc. Now I know what not to do - I sit in back (or in tonight's case on the lawn) and I don't eat anything, but the nervousness from all those years remains.


Add in the fact that this particular venue was the scene of some ugly teenage memories and you get the gist - instead of anticipating tonight, I'm dreading it.


But I'm so done with sitting out the fun stuff. I refuse to sit on the sidelines of life. I could use just a little hand-holding here, though. Just some good thoughts. I'd like tonight to rock. Poor dh can't wait to go, and here I am being the killjoy as usual. He totally understands. He's totally patient, but this is ridiculous and it's time for it to end.


Could you help me out? Can I pretend the Hive is along with me, protecting me from bad perfume, bad food, and anything else bad that could happen at a concert, LOL? Will you be there in spirit to make a wall between me and the scary crowd? Yes, I am completely neurotic.....

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:grouphug: I don't like that kind of music, but I'll go and protect you!!! I'm NOT agressive, but I'll beat up anybody that has perfume on and tries to come near you! I'll be part of the force that will surround you and keep you safe from the scary crowd! :)


Does that help? Really, I WILL be thinking about you! You can do it! Your dh will help protect you from the scary crowd and encourage you as well. Think of all the fun you're going to have, listen to the music, laugh with dh, have a good time....don't leave the door open to those thoughts, slam the door and enjoy yourself!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Will it help if I tell you how much I envy you? I saw The Police in, uh, let me think, 1986 at William and Mary Hall. I would love to see them again. I wish I could write something profound that would help you forget all the bad stuff. All I can say is try to focus on what a great time it will be. I'll be thinking of you tonight! Have a wonderful time.

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My last post today - I promise.


I'm doing something fun tonight. It should be really, really fun. I'm going to see the Police and Elvis Costello at an open-air venue.


The problem? Well, I hate crowds. I hate going to concerts because of the crowds. Big venues scare the heck out of me. It's stupid, but it comes from years of getting sick in movie theatres, at plays, concerts, and so on because of people's perfume and because of the crazy additives in movie popcorn, etc. Now I know what not to do - I sit in back (or in tonight's case on the lawn) and I don't eat anything, but the nervousness from all those years remains.


Add in the fact that this particular venue was the scene of some ugly teenage memories and you get the gist - instead of anticipating tonight, I'm dreading it.


But I'm so done with sitting out the fun stuff. I refuse to sit on the sidelines of life. I could use just a little hand-holding here, though. Just some good thoughts. I'd like tonight to rock. Poor dh can't wait to go, and here I am being the killjoy as usual. He totally understands. He's totally patient, but this is ridiculous and it's time for it to end.


Could you help me out? Can I pretend the Hive is along with me, protecting me from bad perfume, bad food, and anything else bad that could happen at a concert, LOL? Will you be there in spirit to make a wall between me and the scary crowd? Yes, I am completely neurotic.....


How fun!! Just sing along with them on "Don't stand so close to me" :) :)

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That is going to be a fantastic concert! Good for you for making yourself go! In my experience....I bet you'll find, that once you are there and having a fabulous time you will be so glad you went! :grouphug: Will keep the good thought for you....even though I am totally JEALOUS!:D

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