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What to use before TT 3?


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I'm trying to decide on a math for my upcoming second grader. I've been kicking around the idea of doing Singapore with her, as I feel that they seem to give students a great foundation in mental math skills. What I'm wondering is if this would be wise if we plan on going to something like Teaching Textbooks 3 for third grade?


I'm open to suggestions right now. We've used CLE up until now, but it's not a good fit for this child. She hates the long lessons, and takes forever to do them each day. She's very bright and picks up on new things quickly. We've not had any trouble with her being able to grasp new concepts, and she usually gets 100% on all of her quizzes and tests. However, it's like pulling teeth to keep her engaged in her lesson, and she's even told me she hates math. Now I know math will never be her favorite, but I don't want her to hate it either. I've been looking at using Singapore, or Horizons, or Mathematical Reasoning.


What did you use before TT3 that you think prepared them better for it?

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I emailed TT with the same question, and they responded that they had no particular recommendations but suggested I contact Timberdoodle, who is one of their curriculum vendors. So I did, and the Timberdoodle rep suggested Jump Math and Mathematical Reasoning. I still haven't decided what I'm going to use. :)

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If you're looking for a great foundation of the type that Singapore may provide, why switch after one year? Could she have hated CLE because it was either below her level or at the wrong pace (since she gets math quickly), or maybe she could use more depth, such as the type of depth found in Singapore? Just thinking out loud.

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I, also, have a second grader using TT3. We started the year using excel math as our spine and then added TT3 in November..so we are about half way through it. So far, the program has served to be mostly review for my son. He likes to work on the computer vs. doing worksheets all the time. This gives us a balance. We use minquon math too, which I highly recommend!

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My DD is technically in second grade, but I treat her almost as a first grader (late birthday). Anyway, we just started Math Lessons For a Living Education and she loves it. She needs a bit more time before we continue with TT3. The first level of MLFLE are mostly review, but that's OK. If you have a child who adores puppies, farm animals, copywork, science tidbits thrown in there, and an elaborate story that weaves math into it, take a look. She begs to do it, it's gentle, Charlotte Mason, and will eventually go through high school (although I don't know if we'll take it that far?)

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