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Ack. Did I just poison my friend and I?

plain jane

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My kids had sandwiches for lunch and I opened a new tub of Hellmans for them. It was in my pantry, so at room temp (currently 76).


They finished lunch at 3:15 but left the mayo out and I didn't notice it until I went to make a dressing around 5:00. I realized they had left it out but figured it was at room temp before I cracked it at 3:00 and surely it would be fine. I'm usually super cautious with mayo, I'm not sure what came over me.


So we ate the dressing but then I freaked out and changed my mind. We each had about 2tsp worth of mayo... But she is pregnant.


Tell me we are going to be fine. I have not had a good night sleep in about a long while and am feeling a lot of anxiety over this- more than I normally would. Man I hate being this tired. I make weird judgement calls and then have bad anxiety afterwards. :(

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Y'all are fine. I understand your concern because you also fed it to someone else, and that someone else also happens to be pregnant, but truly--you will both be fine. :) I won't horrify you with all the sketchy things I've eaten--while pregnant, too--though your mayo shouldn't even rate on the sketchy scale. Or maybe I should, because then you will realize how ok your mayo is? For example, this pregnancy my fridge went on the fritz for 3 days and everything got to room temperature. Eggs, milk, etc. Yes, I consumed everything. Not so much as a tummy grumble. ;)

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Unrefrigerated mayo always freaked me out. But, my mom was in a nursing home for 1 1/2 years and they never refrigerated the mayo there. When I asked, they said that as long as the mayo was not put into the refrigerator it would be fine in the cupboard. But, if it was put into the refrigerator, it would then need to be kept refrigerated. Weird. I'm still uncomfortable not keeping my mayo in the refrigerator.

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Thanks all. I know a lady who almost died from listeria poisoning when she was pregnant. Her child was born 6 weeks early due to faulty food and also because of the poisoning has physical and mental disabilities. Hers is a heartbreaking story and it was all because of a hot dog. That's all I could think of this afternoon. I seem to still be alive so hopefully my friend is too. :001_unsure:

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