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Adoptee seeking bio siblings---where would you go?


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My son has linked up with his bio family and enjoys the contact.


My girls are getting more and more interested in connecting with their bio siblings. They have 6 older siblings but those siblings don't know that my girls even exist as they were all adopted before mine were born. 1 boy in Iowa, then 2 boys together in Florida, then 1 boy/1 girl together in Florida, then 1 girl in Florida.


I have the bio siblings birth names, birth dates, bio mother and father's names (only 2 have the same bio father), date they were put in foster care, adoption dates for some of them. I have the new adoptive name (we think) for the last sibling.


Where could I go to start searching them out? Bio mom we believe is deceased and best we can tell my girls bio father is deceased. My girls have very rare medical conditions and finding bio siblings might help solve some of the mysteries or even possibly help the siblings.


We are very open to going through an adoption agency, etc. to keep names/addresses private if that is the wish. All bio siblings are over 18 as well.

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Facebook! I know it sounds crazy but that is how we talk to both of my children's birthparents. I know that at least one of her birth siblings has a facebook page. Also there are the facebook I am looking for pictures that seem to help. Also you could have her register on her states adoption registry then if there is a matching family member they could register too and information may be exchanged, but I think she has to 18 I believe and that is in the state of birth. Perhaps the adoption agency would be willing to help out especially if it has gotten more open. Good luck.

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Definitely Facebook to start. I keep up with the boys' birth families that way, and I have located my DD's birth family that way as well. There are always private investigators who work in adoption if you need them, but start with the easy stuff. You could also contact the state social service agency where your child was placed and ask them to get a letter to the sibs asking for contact. That can be done without violating any privacy rules so long as they act as an intermediary.

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My son has linked up with his bio family and enjoys the contact.


My girls are getting more and more interested in connecting with their bio siblings. They have 6 older siblings but those siblings don't know that my girls even exist as they were all adopted before mine were born. 1 boy in Iowa, then 2 boys together in Florida, then 1 boy/1 girl together in Florida, then 1 girl in Florida.


I have the bio siblings birth names, birth dates, bio mother and father's names (only 2 have the same bio father), date they were put in foster care, adoption dates for some of them. I have the new adoptive name (we think) for the last sibling.


Where could I go to start searching them out? Bio mom we believe is deceased and best we can tell my girls bio father is deceased. My girls have very rare medical conditions and finding bio siblings might help solve some of the mysteries or even possibly help the siblings.


We are very open to going through an adoption agency, etc. to keep names/addresses private if that is the wish. All bio siblings are over 18 as well.




You have a lot of information. Since you don't think the siblings know of your kids existance maybe it would be better to hire a PI and confirm the identities of the siblings and then have an attorney send them a letter. That sounds pretty expensive to me though. I'd probably go the Facebook route. But PMs of course....;)

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Yes, a PI sounds good.....but expensive. I need to get out my information and organize everything I have again and see if I can find anything online first.



The good thing about a PI is that you could get a feel for what kind of people they are....so that you don't put your girls in contact with unsavory people if the bio sibs lives have sadly gone that way.

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If you can find the last one through the adoptive name on FB, I bet you could find a few of the others. Chances are some of them have kept in contact (or, at least, their parents have).

You could also just find bio relatives on FB and ask around. It's amazing what we can access these days.


Thanks to FB, I keep in touch with my girls' bio cousins, aunts, and grandparents. I get updates about the bio parents this way.

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Due to mom's history and the fact that there are 5 fathers between the 6 kids I don't know if any of the other siblings know about the others or have contact, except those adopted together as they were in different areas, different times, etc. I know that a few of the bio fathers are not ones we would want to be in contact with at all sad to say.


It would be nice to find the adoptive parents and go that way if possible.

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