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Help!!! Question about antidepressants

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I went to the dr. a few weeks ago because I'm having tremendously bad headaches. I know they are stress related. Previously the dr. had given me a RX for fiorinal (sp?) and for xanax to use in case of full blown panic attacks. The biggest problem I have is I can't sleep when DH is gone. I get to sleep around 12 and wake up at 3 or 4 panicked about something ridiculous. Things like, "How can I possibly homeschool my children?", what if I'm not feeding them good enough meals, what if the smoke alarms don't work even though we've checked them.....etc, etc. ad nauseum. In the daylight hours I can handle most anything, but at night it's all overwhelming.


So, this time at the dr. he gave me an rx for amitriptyline (sp?). He said it will help me get to sleep, but at a super low dose it doesn't really work as an antidepressant (which I don't think I need anyway). I'm not *depressed*, I'm stressed out. Anyway, he said to take the rx every night for a month and we would reassess.


I do sleep like a baby when I take it, but I'm foggy the next day. I have no motivation to move at all. I've probably been on this website more in the last 2 weeks than I have combined over my whole life because I can't make myself get up and move.


I can't take regular sleeping pills, they absolutely knock me for a loop. I can't function at all the next day, and I'm not sure I'd be able to respond if the kids needed me at night. I've tried chamomile tea, in large quantities and just have to go to the bathroom all night. Valerian root also makes me groggy the next day.


I have quit taking the amitriptyline. My house could fall down around my ears and I wouldn't care when I'm taking that. But I've been up all night the last few nights as well. So I'm tired and grumpy dealing with the kids and this can't go on!


Any ideas? Recommendations? Sympathy? I am just starting this deployment, I have to get my act together and be a real human being, but I just can't seem to get there this time! Help!!!!!

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amitriptyline didn't work for me either (gave me heart palpitations).


Have you tried melatonin? - you can get time-release capsules/tablets that release more melatonin throughout the night (to help you stay asleep). Many people swear by it. (Personally I have trouble with it because it gives me night terrors, so it doesn't work for everyone.)


Another thing to consider is Cal-Mag. It helps to relax your muscles and it is also good for anxiety. It has helped me with panic attacks. I use a powder called "Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality - CalMag". I get it at the health food store (and I think there are sources online.) I mix it into a mug of hot water every night and it makes a clear slightly citrusy tasting "tea".

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for a few years for headaches. It took me about 2-3 weeks to get over the fog. Once the fog was gone, it was gone. Unless I upped my does.


Both mom and MIL took it for a while as well. They couldn't stand the fog. So they both went back to their doctors and asked for something else.

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My friend had the exact same thing you are describing. Her dr put her on Lexapro. She takes it before bed and sleeps much better now. It's time release so it also helps her stress/anxiety level through out the day. You might ask your dr about it. My friend calls it her miracle.

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Talk to your dr. about a different med. I've been using Lexapro for several years now and it works great for me. It has really controlled my anxiety.


I also love Cadam's idea of getting a dog. I think it would be a comforting thing to have since your dh is gone.

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My friend had the exact same thing you are describing. Her dr put her on Lexapro. She takes it before bed and sleeps much better now. It's time release so it also helps her stress/anxiety level through out the day. You might ask your dr about it. My friend calls it her miracle.


I have to chime in about Lexapro. I took it for a while and of all the anti-depressants, that one made me sleepy all the time. I'd wake up at 7am and go back to bed at 9am for a 3-4 hour nap. (thankfully my dad lived with us so he took over for me) It was not a good thing for me. I found out several others I know had the same issue with it.


If I were you I'd look into the dog suggestion or a natural remedy only because you're not living with anxiety day in and day out, all day long. There are too many side effects to all these drugs, not to mention the fact that you go through a major upheaval while you're trying them all out. :grouphug:

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