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Dog people...i want to throw up


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Our appointment with the vet isn't until tomorrow and i am so upset. A little backround, my female JRT had severely impacted anal glands, a week ago last thursday is when they were expressed. At that time she also developed a mushy lump "back there". The vet said it wasn't anything to worry about. She has been uncomfortable since then (scooting and licking the area). She is on medacam (i think that's what it's called) for pain relief. She is pooping and eating normally. I checked her behind today and that lump is harder than it was before. The vet said that if it gets hard that isn't good and that a hard lump could be a tumor. This dog is my "heart" dog and i love her so much that now my Easter is ruined because i am sick with worry. I guess i just needed to get it out and onto "paper". Thanks for listening.

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Thinking of you today. We are dog people and love our dogs so much, as well. My dd's dog had a similar issue recently. Her vet said that anal gland tumors are pretty rare, so hopefully everything will be fine. I know it took quite a while for dd's dog to heal up. Hope you get good news tomorrow,

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Oh, I'm hoping your vet will give you good news. I love my dogs so much and it's terrible to see them ill. Our shihtzu/pug mix got impacted glands all the time. It was gross, but nothing life threatening. She had it her whole life. The vet offered to teach me how to express them, but I would rather pay to have it done (ick).


Keep us updated.

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It's probably just the gland swollen and full of gunk again. You *can* try expressing it yourself... Nastiest thing ever, but it does give them relief. I suggest wearing rubber/latex/waterproof gloves.

One of our dogs had issues for a while as a puppy - it took a couple courses of antibiotics and some nasty expressing to deal with it.

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Thanks to everyone for their words of encouragement. my daughter took her to the vet this morning and the vet doesn't think it's cancer. she took a sample (i think that's what my daughter said) and is sending it out. she said she thinks it's an infected anal glad and gave her more medicine. Poor pup needs to wear a cone but if that's what it takes to make her feel better than that's what she is going to do. boy i wish they didn't capture our hearts the way they do otherwise things like this would be so much easier. our pets are so imporant to us and i am so thankful for them.

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Well, that's good news. What a relief!


BTW, you can buy a soft cone at Petco and other stores like that. They are sized by neck circumference, so if you get one, measure first! They are made kind of like a swim ring -- heavy vinyl that you blow up.


Another method is to cut a hole for her tail in a pair of boys underwear (tighty whitey type) and have her wear that. There are probably items for this at a pet store too, because people use them when their unspayed dogs are in heat. I assume you will have to remove these items when your dog goes out, so just watch her to make sure she doesn't settle in to work on that area.


If you use the hard plastic cone, make sure your dog can still reach her food and water sufficiently to ingest it. One time, my collie came home with a cone I had to trim because it was too big. You can avoid trimming it if you raise the food and water bowls -- just put them on an upturned bowl and be ready with towels in case the water bowl is knocked off its pedestal.

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