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Advice welcomed (a little TMI)


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My 14 year old dd is overweight (but has recently lost 10-15 pounds) with this recent weight loss I think she is having maybe some hormonal changes (or could be the climate/elevation changes) Suddenly no deodorant is working for her. It's not that she stinks (she has good hygiene, showers daily etc.) It is just her armpits are very sweaty to the point I make her change her shirt 2-3 times a day. No real issue of odor just sweat. We have tried several brands of deodorants with antiperspirant and even different types as in roll on, solids, sprays. I have quite a shelf of failed deodorants in my bathroom.


So basically I'm at my wits end, I feel badly for her and I simply don't have time to do so much extra laundry. Is this worthy of a trip to the doctor for some advice? We just moved to a new state and have not established her with a doctor yet.

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I'd classify myself as pretty crunchy, so take this with that in mind.


I used to use Toms (I am against aluminum in deodorants) but by the end of the day it was a fail. What I did was take a half cup of coconut oil, a half cup of baking soda, and about 5 drops of tea tree oil and mix them together. (Melt the coconut oil first) Coconut oil and tea tree oil are antibacterials. Baking soda absorbs odor and is an acid neutralizer.


It works *amazingly* well. No ripeness, no wear off.


I hope that works for you! I should cost pennies to make (though not the first time).

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I had this problem at the same age. No odor, but I'd have big circles of damp under my arms. Imagine the dilemma when you couldn't whip your comb out of your Jordache's back pocket and comb your Farrah Fawcett locks because you couldn't lift your arms in public. My wardrobe focused around what would hide the circles. My best friend had the same problem and we both grew out of it in a couple of years.


I've since seen underarm pads you can launder. That would have been better than the wads of paper towel I used to try and hold under my arms.

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I should of added about 4 months or so ago she did have blood work, everything came back normal. I was concerned about thyroid issues based on her weight and our family history of thyroid issues and requested testing to be done.


Toms deodorant was also a fail, and it was a fail for me too who can usually wear any type. The clinical strength was also a fail both degrees version as well as secret.


Baby powder did NOT occur to me...doh! Totally going to have her try that.

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I'd classify myself as pretty crunchy, so take this with that in mind.


I used to use Toms (I am against aluminum in deodorants) but by the end of the day it was a fail. What I did was take a half cup of coconut oil, a half cup of baking soda, and about 5 drops of tea tree oil and mix them together. (Melt the coconut oil first) Coconut oil and tea tree oil are antibacterials. Baking soda absorbs odor and is an acid neutralizer.


It works *amazingly* well. No ripeness, no wear off.


I hope that works for you! I should cost pennies to make (though not the first time)





How do you apply it to the underarms? Does the consistency change due to the coconut oil?

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Since you have that whole shelf of "fail" antiperspirants, she might try layering. I use a roll-on liquid and let it dry, then apply a solid-type on top of it. The roll on liquid kills odor, the second layer of the solid soaks up moisture. You could probaby do the same thing with roll-on plus baby powder.

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How do you apply it to the underarms? Does the consistency change due to the coconut oil?



I threw it into an old plastic tea container, an old smaller jelly jar would do. I use use my fingertips to apply, and so far, the consistency hasn't been a factor, it's still too cold!



Only a little bit, and so far the clothes haven't been stained, but I also use coconut oil as a moisturizer.


Really, I think it's healthier to just let her sweat. It might stop as she looses the weight.

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