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Is this a perimenopausal thing?


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I can't tell if it is something to do with my eye disease or just getting older.


Every once in a while I'll spend the day not being able to see well. Distance vision is fine. But trying to read something is difficult. I can see enough to read if I blink a lot, move the book, screen, paper around to the right distance and sometimes squinting helps.


But it isn't every day. Not even every week. I think the last time this happened was on one side or another of Christmas.


So older or something to do with my eye disease?

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I had this same problem for over a year.


My husband kept insisting that I needed reading glasses, but I was too stubborn and refused to go and get some. I had equated having to get reading glasses at 47 years old to getting old and I wanted no parts of it :)


Then my husband got smart, he brought home a pair of cheap reading glasses from Walmart for himself ( this is what he claimed) and set them on our computer desk. I picked them up while cleaning and just for kicks tried them on and my whole world changed ! I could see again !! :hurray:


I didn't realize how bad my vision had gotten until I tried on reading glasss and could once again read clearly. Now I could kick myself for waiting that whole year to get glasses. It is no insult to getting old, it was just me getting crochety and stubborn ( a true sign of getting old :)


Reading is back to being enjoyable again, my eyes no longer tear constantly, I even bought myself a kindle to celebrate !

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I need reading glasses and I am 42. I have worn glasses or contacts for nearsightedness all my life, and now I can't see up close either unless I wear reading glasses over my contacts. I really should get bifocals, but I'm being stubborn about it. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm quite nearsighted, but over the last couple years I've had more trouble focusing up close. It's sporadic, more often early in the morning. I have to take my glasses off (bifocals at that), blink, move the page around, squint. Yeah. Aging is so much fun.

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Welcome to the club . I have noticed since I hit 40 everything is gone bonkers. I have finally resigned myself to having readers with me at all times, my arms ust are not long enough and bifocals.....not yet. Please do get it checked to be sure you are not developing something that can be easily fixed when caught early.

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Did it begin sporadically or all at once?




For a long while it was just sporadic, when I was tired or after reading a lot.


Then it became more and more and then I was constantly wiping my eyes cause they would tear so much while I was reading.


I used to think my kids were not seeing numbers right when we did math together, I kept scolding them when it was me making mistakes of seeing 3 and 8's as 5's and vice versa.


I just didn't realize how bad my eye sight had gotten until I could once again see clearly. Now all the eye tearing is gone when I read, I can happily do math with my children and not constantly have to look back over the problems to see if I missed adding numbers together because I saw the numbers wrong and I don't have to read the same sentence over and over again in my books to figure out why the grammar sounded so bad ( I had been making up my own words :)


Get some cheap 5 dollar readers at Walmart, see if that makes your whole life open up again :)

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Did it begin sporadically or all at once?



Like, OVERNIGHT when I hit about forty. Every few years now I noticed a jump - like a stairstep - and have had a prescription change.


I also think it can be hormonal. My vision sometimes got a little wonky with pregnancy, and my blepharitis sometimes flairs up at midpoint iny cycle.



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