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Improving memory


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What kinds of activities can I do with my 7th grader who's doing 4th grade work to help her improve her memory?


Is there a way to help her build her memory muscle?


Although we can't confirm FASD the likelihood is high. We are an adoptive family.

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This is a hard one. I'd say google brain gym on you tube. We've had times of faithfully doing it. We did a combo of several videos, one after another, to amount to 20 minutes a day or so. We did Brain Balance and Brain Gym is fairly close. Buy Gold Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions and give the child a good amount daily in smoothies... cook with it, etc. A friend told me to practice digit spans. Maybe google that. If they can memorize, memorize everything you can. HTH!

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I'd also recommend working with her digit span/sequential memory. How many digits can she hold in her head at once? (For example, if you give her the numerals 4 5 8 2, can she then tell them back to you? Can she follow multi-step directions (given orally)?) We tend to max at about a 7 digit span. If you have an iPad/iPod/iPhone, you can get the "Simply Smarter Kids" app - it has options for visual/auditory, or either/or and is intuitive (if you can pass the one-item level, it moves to you the two; if you get a level wrong, it bumps you back down. We are working with dd right now trying to get her to a 2 digit span (up until about age 7, your digit span should be equivalent or higher than your age). She's non-verbal so we do things like "touch your hair and then touch your toes".

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Diane Craft has, I think, good info about memory on her website, inlcuding adding lecithin in the diet.


We are also adding coconut oil (like PP suggested), fish oil, CoE10 and B vitamins.


You might also google "visual sequencing memory," for that aspect of memory work.

We are working through this pdf (http://terapiavisual.../docs/AEHVP.pdf) currently after I found it while searching the 'net.


If you have insurance that covers occupational therapy, you might see about an evaulation, as they might be able to pinpoint what areas of memory need worked on.

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I am all ears on this one. I can not remember anything. If I want to learn something new I have to read it over and over. When I play memory with four year olds I always lose. I just can't remember where everything is. I am dyslexic so I think that may have something to do with it. I hope you find something that works.

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