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Prayers for a loved one in open-heart surgery


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We would appreciate prayers for my grandfather this morning. He was taking another patient to the hospital for a minor procedure on Monday, but ended up being admitted for chest pains. He is now having triple bi-pass surgery.


He does not look like your typical heart patient at all. He's active, a healthy weight, etc, so we are all kind of shocked by this. God's providence through this has been incredible. He's in the best heart hospital in our city, which he would not have gone to had he gone through his regular dr, lots of his family members are on Spring Break, they caught the blockage before it caused any damage, several of our church members work at this hospital and were able to give medical advice, and on and on.


This is my mom's dad, if any of you remember Leanna. She doesn't post much since she had her surprise baby in October.


Thanks for your prayers.

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I'm thankful to report that things seem to have gone well! Praise God! They will be able to see him soon.


Prayers for his recovery are appreciated as well. He's 78 and still a full time pastor. He doesn't know the meaning of "retirement" or "rest." He was convinced that he would be preaching again within a few weeks....

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