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Ambleside Online


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Does anyone really use this exactly as written? Do you feel it is enough? Are there any problems that you run into with it?


I'm using it pretty much as written - we don't get into the composer and artist study as in-depth as I'd like, but that's because I just haven't figured out how exactly to work it in to the degree that I'd like. But I follow the books scheduled.


The only real problem I've run into is that I started my ds out too soon, and my dd ended up sitting in on all the readings, so I combined them in the same year (separate math, phonics, grammar). Combining is working alright, but we've had to slow way down and spread out Year 3 and 3.5 into 1 1/2 years each. So again, it's not an issue with the curriculum, but with the implementation on my part :glare:

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Unfortunately, no! The major part is the history. I do not follow that because my older son loves Story of the World so much. He cannot get enough of it. I started him on SOTW before I did Ambleside Online. I have slowly introduced Ambleside to him over the past two years. I have used the book recommendations. This year is the first year I followed it almost fully.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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We will be following it as written in the fall using years 3 and 4 for my 10yo and 12 yo. I don't have any experience with it yet but I am not adjusting any of the reading. I am adding RS math, Latin, Classical Writing, and Zoology II. I used one of the ready-made schedule charts that is divided into 12 week terms and added in our other subjects so now we have and "open and go" curriculum for the entire year. No more scrambling to finish lessons plans on Thursday nights before I start my work week.

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Does anyone really use this exactly as written? Do you feel it is enough? Are there any problems that you run into with it?


Yes, yes, and no. :)


We used years 1 & 3 this year with our girls, just 9 and 11. This was our first year with it. It's truly a fantastic way to go! I still get to satisfy my curriculum shopping obsession by choosing math, foreign language, and phonics/grammar programs in the elementary years.;) From 7th up, there are science programs to think about as well as writing instruction and other English related resources. I *do* think it is enough, more than enough really. I haven't run into any problems other than that we took a whole month off at Christmas and had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. We are finishing up our readings now over the summer. So, I like the 12 week terms, but I personally don't really want that whole month break every three months. For us, it just is better to school year round and break as needed. Plus, our summers are jam-packed with swim team and dance camp and outdoor activities. So, it really works better for us to have more time off in the summer.


I believe that narration (written when ready and oral before) and copywork/dictation work. My dd 11's writing improved significantly this year. The key with AO is to not let yourself get bogged down into adding lots of other programs. Then, it gets overwhelming. The readings are definitely challenging. IMHO reading challenging material has helped my children more than doing lots of textbook stuff. They've liked MOST of the books, but not all. Parables of Nature is one they are just not crazy about, but we do stick with it because I feel it is beneficial for them to persevere.


What I love about CM/AO is that it feels real to me. It is not contrived in any way. The kids make their own connections without me spoon feeding them the material. Now, that said, this does not mean that I am hands off and not working with them. Far from it. I love that crafts are things like crocheting or making hand fans or beeswax candles. Not something silly based on some unit study. I love that we have become familiar with poetry. My children LOVE poetry. My 8 yo was enchanted with Lucy Gray of all things.


This year, we will do Year 2 with my 9 yo, and my 11 yo will be in 6th this year, and 7th next year, so this year I am planning to do a Pre-Year 7 with her to get her ready for the upper AO years as we have regrettably not been able to do all the lower years. I had thought about doing Year 6 as she wants to do ancients, but I do not want to start her in the middle of Age of Fable, for example. So, I am making a few modifications based on where I want her to be next year for 7th by doing Year 6 with some of the Pre-Year 7 recommendations. As well, if you have older kids in lower years, I think it makes sense to then add in grammar, for example. I feel a 12 year old in year 4 probably should be starting a more formal science program as per the AO Year 7 recommendations. For the most part, though, I think that doing a year as written really is the easiest approach to doing AO and not adding in more stuff to it.


Best wishes--


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We am going to be starting AO Year 1 with my dd6 this year. We am going to try to implement the ideas for music, art, foreign language, nature study, handicrafts, and memorization along with the schedule readings and math and Bible recommendations. I think there is going to plenty for her to do. We are new to AO, but when I started studying Charlotte Mason, I found we had already been using a lot of her methods in our home. I am hoping this helps make the transition into more regular schooling easier.


I hope your year goes well for you!


Take care,


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We are following it very loosely - using it for the reading lists (secular books; none of the religious ones), nature study, art, and music. I feel that these components of the arts and nature complement the more rigorous academics of the classical method.

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I plan on using AO starting in 1st grade.....which we will start sometime between Spring and Fall 2009....so I have some time to ponder:lol:


I like the idea of starting with ancient history, and that's my only real hang up with using it as written, but part of me wants to just use it as is anyway.


I am :bigear: on this thread:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm schooling ages 9, 6, 5, 4, and 3 (with 2 babies ages 2, and 1) using a combination of WTM and Charlotte Mason via Ambleside. I like the Ambleside selections because I can read aloud to several ages and they are all interested in the readings. I also like CM's method of shorter readings with instant narrations, and varied lessons. With CM each day is not the same, it's mixed up a bit (one day is ancient history, another day is a famous story, and another day is American History), they are all kept track of on a Century Chart, and the children make their own connections. These are the things I like about Ambleside/CM. I don't think it needs to be followed exactly though. However, I could be wrong. I just starting using some of the books on their list, and I don't have experience with using their program to the T.



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Does anyone really use this exactly as written? Do you feel it is enough? Are there any problems that you run into with it?


I think lots of people do use it as written- but many freely tweak it, too. Yes, I do feel it is enough.

I adapt because we are secular. So no, we don't do it as written.


I spent the last 4 years doing SOTW and loving our history cycle. When I finished SOTW4 I looked around for how to do the next 4 years- and decided Ambleside was going to work best for us- I had always been attracted to it, but the 4 year cycle works best for us rather than the 6 year, because we started homeschooling at the end of the grammar stage, and I want to get through twice. I will do year 7 as is, then work out my own combination for the following two years. Well, that's the plan!


At this point, I am trying it "as is" as much as possible. I think if you try to add too much to Ambleside, you are likely to get really bogged down. As is, is good. But I will inevitably tweak as we go on.


I am actually really excited about doing Pre-7 later this year and Year 7 from February. The books really excite me, and it seems to work well for my kids.


There are many yahoo groups for Ambleside people, and some are very busy, so it seems to me a lot of people use it.


I can't think of any problems I am having with it so far. We are thriving. I am having to personalise, to work with my own children, to use discrimination, and actually to cut back on the booklists a little in order to finish in reasonable time. But I see no inherent problem with Ambleside. It is a very well thought out, complete program. Many people blend it with TWTM, too- they are compatible.

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Last year I loosely followed the AO year guide. This year I'm unsure what I'll do. I LOVE the book selections and depth in AO, but I'm having a rough time trying to mesh in Canadian history and also wanted something more pkg.'ed for Science this year.


I'm still unsure what I'm going to do, but I'm leaning toward doing SOTW 1 with dd (9) and ds (5.5) and just pulling some books off the AO lists for free reading, nature study, shakespeare, etc. So basically dropping the history part of the AO list and keeping most of the other stuff intact.

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Emmsmama, I have a dd9, and ds5.5 as well. I'm also doing SOTW1 and I pulled some of the books from AO Y3, and Y1, and some of Yesterday's Classics. We have already started, because it's much easier for me to do school in the summer, and we really love the book selections. I've posted my booklist/plan on another thread titled School year 2008-2009: What are you using? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39702&page=14 if you're interested in looking at my final choices. I'm really happy with all of them!


-Jennifer B

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