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UPDATEE: If you were the packet containing the National Latin Exam and the National Mythology Exam, where would you be?

dirty ethel rackham

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Ds is supposed to take the NLE and the NME today for Lone Pine. I don't ever remember receiving the packet in the mail. Apparently, Mrs. Karppinen has been asking in class and via email if her students have received the packet. Well, those of you will introverted teen boys (and even not so introverted) know that the only way to get them to talk about anything but the most vital information (like what's for dinner) is to duck tape them to a chair and hold up food as an incentive. So, he has not told me that I should have let Mrs K know that I didn't get it yet. How is it already March 11? Between picking out dd's next math curriculum, planning next year's biology class (that I may end up teaching), nagging ds about SAT prep and finishing his physics class, arranging college visits between college classes, online classes and my daughter's schedule, plus trying to help ds19 figure out how to get home from college for spring break when his two usual ride options are not available, how am I supposed to remember that I DIDN'T get something in the mail (or did I and it was disguised as college mail?)


I did a major monthly mail decluttering 10 days ago. I don't remember receiving it since then. Dh doesn't remember. ARRGGHH!


If I were a drinking woman, I would be invoking the "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" clause.


UPDATE: Found it. It came on a day I wasn't home, so dh got the mail. Since we were having company for dinner, he put it in a "safe place." Breathing a huge sigh of relief and removing my hands from ds' neck (just kidding.)

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Oh no!


Did anyone see it come and can tell you what color the envelope is?


Look on all horizontal surfaces (tables/counters). Look behind tables, couches, etc. Look UNDER tables and couches (including down the side of the inside of the couch). Look in notebooks if your ds is one likely to stick it in a notebook. Do you have a bag or notebook you put things in? Could it be misfiled in a bills folder somewhere?

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The NME envelope is white, if that helps (At least, it is if it came straight from ACL). The ELE was as well, but I don't know if that's the same thing as the NLE since I think they have different governing bodies.


Both are large, flat envelopes with cardboard inside.

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I have mine (NME) right next to me. It's a big white envelope.


I completely forgot about sending it out and had a moment of panic yesterday, he's been done since the 1st. I must send it out today. It has to be postmarked by the 12th.



Same here. Post office first thing tomorrow!


Ellenl, luckily, my ds is young enough that ms. K directs all email to me directly! That's scary! Glad it all worked out.

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