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DS was in an accident

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Fortunately he is fine but I still quite shook up from the whole thing. :eek: He was on the way to his English class and a girl didn't stop. Instead of slamming on his brakes he attempted to turn. The police say it saved her grave injury because had he attempted to stop it would have put him right in the driver side of her car. When I asked him how he knew to do that he said they had been talking about the laws of motion and stuff in physics on Friday and it popped into his head at the right moment. To think I had wanted to complain to the CC that his physics class seemed light and that since the professor didn't need to hold a full class period ever I didn't feel the need to pay for one. Guess I am just grateful now. Waiting to here if the van is a complete loss. So how does one recover from their child's first wreck??? My mother says just be glad he waited until he was 18 to have to make that phone call to me.


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And well done him for keeping cool in such a situation. That takes some cool headed, quick thinking.

My dd (17) was in an accident a few months ago. Her friend (also 17) was driving her home. They were waiting for oncoming traffic to clear enough to pull into our driveway. A guy coming behind them at 50 mph (busy road where folk are always speeding!) was not paying attention and slammed right into the back of them without time to even apply his brakes. An oncoming car had predicted by the guys rate of speed that he might hit the girls, and had accordingly reduced his own speed just in case. How thankful am I. If he hadn't done so he may well have hit the girls head on as their car was pushed 50' completely across his lane and into our yard. As it was, the third car barely missed the girls as he also swerved off the road into our yard. The emergency personnel were all surprised he had avoided hitting the girls head on which in turn would have made a bad rear-ending accident into a potentially devastating rear and front end one. Everyone was very lucky that day!

The girls received minor whiplash injuries, both the impacted cars were totalled and the third car received substantial damage underneath. Both drivers of the other cars were okay.

It was scary to have it happen right outside our own home, but at the same time we were able to be there and assist immediately. There are minor accidents here all the time thanks to a very busy road, a stop light, and impatient drivers. Thankfully they aren't usually serious.

Give your ds a double-extra hug tonight. Not only because he is okay, but for saving the other driver from injury as well.

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