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OPGTR, 100EZ, and books

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I know you all are going to get tired of my questions, but here's another:


my son is on lesson 80 of 100 EZ lessons. He's doing fabulously, though the "switch" from their special type to normal font is frustrating him, and i have to walk him through it sometimes to let him know HE CAN do it, even though it looks different.


Anyhow, he seems to thrive off of step by step instructions, a formatted lesson plan, rather than a fly-by-the-sea-of-your-pants kind of curriculum. He also has trouble "guessing" words and is really doing well with a phonics instruction format. I'm thinking i might have him do OPGTR? i know it goes further than 100EZ, and i think i've found a place for him to start (about lesson 50-60), which would be easy enough for him, to get him used to the format of the book before completely new material. we'll probably do 1-3 lessons a day until we hit a good spot, if that makes sense. Should i start later if he's reading the last lesson in 100EZ easily? (i'm totally open to suggestions)


My question is with 100EZ, there was fairly long (new/challenging) reading passages for him to work with for each lesson, which i found was sufficient for a challenge for the day, and he reads a Dr Seuss type book later on to me for fluency and general practice. With OPGTR, there isn't really passages, just sentences with the new words. What should i use for reading with him? He can read a lot of Dr. Seuss books and those type, but the step-by-step readers from the library are too difficult, as they have words he's never seen in them. Should i just keep having him read easy readers? is there a "book list" someone has put together to align with the lessons? Should i take the books from the back of 100EZ and start with those? Once he's done with OPGTR, i know he'll be ready for almost any early chapter book (or even higher level of reading), i just don't want to only have him read super easy books when he's capable of more, KWIM?


I'm open to any and all suggestions.


Thank you all in advance :)

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You could add the readers from go phonics or from All About Reading. We use both. The go phonics have less word variety and less complex language than the AAR ones. There is also a book list at the end of 100 ez lessons.

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We are doing basically what you mentioned doing. We just changed phonics programs and started OPGTR at lesson 50. We are moving through doing 2 lessons a day until we hit a snag. It seems to be going well. The only thing that is some time an issue is that a lowercase L and an uppercase i look the same. Other than that I am glad that OPGTR will go a lot farther down the phonics road for my child that needs all of the rules spelled out for her.

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One more thing. There is a list on the Peace Hill Press site that says what books from the library, or bookstore can be read after what lessons. That has been really helpful for us. I will try to add the link here and see if it works.




Ok the link didn't work. Try this



Go down the page until you see "a general guide to when your child will be prepared to read various beginner readers" or something like that.


That I the list that really helped us. Hope the link works this time. :)

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Just wanted to second AAR readers. DS is has read through level one, volume one and will start volume two soon. He's on lesson 61. I think he'll have no problem with the second volume, we're just going slow and re-reading. DS didn't enjoy BOB books (and neither did I - I nodded off every time!), but the AAR readers are a hoot lol!

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he's read all of the AAR readers, lol (and loved them!) we actually did AAR level 1 before starting with 100EZ again (we've been tight on money, so i wasn't able to afford level 2 readers as of yet) i might look into the level 2 readers though, can anyone give me an example of some of the words in them? are there samples on the website (i'm off to look now) :)

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Dd was in a phase where she could do the AAR level 1 books I had for my son and Dr Seuss. From there she moved onto first grade books without a lot of lines and quickly progressed from there. The step into reading books are good but they do have these random words that were hard for a while but I did find first grade books were working. I like scholastic books. Once she moved beyond phonics readers and Dr Seuss she progressed much faster and gained the fluency she needed to move through levels.

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I know a lot of people don't like Bob Books, but my dd loved them. She liked that there weren't too many words on a page, and that the books were pretty short. They gave her a sense of accomplishment when her stamina wasn't near high enough for most beginning readers. She even liked the stories. The pictures tell a little bit more than the words alone, so she examined them and filled in the narrative.


We only used Bob Books up through, I think, set three. After that, she was ready for some of the beginning readers from the library. We do run into words she doesn't know. If they follow phonetic rules, I let her take a stab at them and more than half the time, she can decode them. If they don't follow phonetic rules or I don't think she'll be able to read them, I just tell her the word and we move on. I kind of let go of the idea of finding books that introduce words in exactly the same sequence that OPGTR teaches rules. It's not worth the headache, and I just don't think there will be any harm done if she comes across "night" before she learns about silent gh. I just tell her the word and we keep reading. Mostly, it just benefits us during her reading lessons, because a lot of things are at least vaguely familiar.

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