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Has anyone used MCT with a 2E student (dyslexic)?

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My dd11 isn't dyslexic, but IIRC in 4th/5th, we stayed away from MCT due to her difficulties making inferences, a bit of a language-processing glitch. In theory, I liked the idea of learning in a story context, but dd needed more explicit teaching at that time. I don't know how I'd feel about it now - she's improved a lot and is doing very well in school, but difficulty making inferences still occurs, especially with answering questions posed in a history or science textbook.


I really only vaguely remember looking at MCT, so take this with a huge grain of salt :tongue_smilie: . I don't remember at all what the writing portion was like.

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My dd11 isn't dyslexic, but IIRC in 4th/5th, we stayed away from MCT due to her difficulties making inferences, a bit of a language-processing glitch. In theory, I liked the idea of learning in a story context, but dd needed more explicit teaching at that time. I don't know how I'd feel about it now - she's improved a lot and is doing very well in school, but difficulty making inferences still occurs, especially with answering questions posed in a history or science textbook.


I really only vaguely remember looking at MCT, so take this with a huge grain of salt :tongue_smilie: . I don't remember at all what the writing portion was like.


Yes, I didn't think it looked like a great idea :p

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We read through Essay Voyage, but didn't do the assignments.

I think it appeals to dd because she is a VERY visual learner. I was going with IEW for next year, but it appears to rely on video instruction? That could be a problem as dd has auditory processing problems and does much better to *see* what she needs to do...

I'm way over analyzing this.... lol.

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Island level has been ds's favorite material this year. He asks for it first everyday. We did it just like EKS, reading through Sentence Island but giving ds the choice of doing the writing assignment or not. We are definitely doing Town next year.

Is the writing enough on its own? I notice you're also using Verticy.

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The grammar has been an excellent fit. The poetry was just alright; ds said he liked it but I doubt he retained much of it. The vocab in Island level is a joke. It is 10 prefixes and ds had done way more than that in Rewards, so we just read through it quickly. But yes, overall the big picture style is a great fit for a dyslexic.

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I have a stealth dyslexic - he reads but has other issues that are similar, chiefly, no rote memory. He's at the Island level. I can't speak much about the poetry (he didn't like so we stopped at pg 1) and Building Language (he's gone through these words before although it helps to go through again), but the grammar is, amazingly, sticking! DS can only remember things if it makes some contextual sense. MCT is able to do this for him. So Practice Island is not a problem for him. He also does the the writing exercises in Sentence Island.

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The Sentence Island writing exercises are minimal. Or at least, my son is accurate but writes very little. We do WWE as well.


The Sentence Island writing exercises may be minimal but they may still be too much for a dyslexic child if they're not supplemented with more direct instruction.

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