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O. M. G! (warning, Mil vent)


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So yesterday dh gets a txt from his mother saying

"I txted the boy (ds) on Sat, asking him how he did at his meet, and how he and the girls were doing. Is he grounded from his phone or something, because he hasn't txted me back. You know I live by myself and don't have anything to do but think of my family." There's more, but you get the idea.


First of all, ds was up at 3 am on Sat, because he had to be at school by 5 am to leave for an out of town ROTC drill meet, and was gone all day, and went to bed early, and forgot to txt her back on Sunday. Secondly- she has never, ever txted him before, and I don't even know how she got his number. 3rd, she has said numerous times, she doesn't like to txt, because it's too hard for her to read them!


Yesterday was insane, as our Monday's always are, and I guess dh didn't txt or call her back. Tonight, we are at our annual, end of upwards basketball tailgate party, prior to the awards ceremony, and dh gets this txt from her:

"Now I know something is wrong at your house, and as soon as I take care of my emergencies here, I'm heading to (your town) and coming to your house". and blah, blah, blah


REALLY? If she is so worried, how come I didn't get a txt, or a phone call? On any phone; land or cell. She has 2 landlines, and a cell phone, and as she said, she lives alone, doesn't have 3 teenagers w/ insane schedules...If she's so damn worried, why hasn't she called!? Did I mention she doesn't like to txt, because it's hard for her to read?


Arrrggghhh! And yes, we have the book "Boundaries". It's the reason dh didn't txt her back right away and immediately make plans to go see her. He was just there last week. It's not like he hasn't talked to her in forever either. I know he talks to her every few days, so.....WTH!


I know I shouldn't be surprised, as her trying to guilt trip dh isn't anything new, but I've just had enough.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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I understand. Once my MIL told one of my children who was attending therapy that said child didn't need it because "therapy is just for people who are very depressed". The child was about 9 years old at the time. What a whackdoodle. (We have almost no contact with her now.) Maybe my MIL and your MIL can get together and knit tea cozies or something. They sound like a matched set!

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She sounds like a real nuisance. :boxing_smiley:


Perhaps later this evening, you should take the time to do a quick family drill.


You know the one -- it's the one where the doorbell rings and everyone runs and hides.


You need to be prepared just in case she shows up at your house.

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I understand. Once my MIL told one of my children who was attending therapy that said child didn't need it because "therapy is just for people who are very depressed". The child was about 9 years old at the time. What a whackdoodle. (We have almost no contact with her now.) Maybe my MIL and your MIL can get together and knit tea cozies or something. They sound like a matched set!


She doesn't knit. If she did, maybe she would have something to do besides always trying to guilt trip dh.


She sounds like a real nuisance. :boxing_smiley:


Perhaps later this evening, you should take the time to do a quick family drill.


You know the one -- it's the one where the doorbell rings and everyone runs and hides.


You need to be prepared just in case she shows up at your house.



Not likely to happen. She dropped off Valentines for the kids at dh's school. I think that was the first time she ever gave them somthing for valentines day. They're 16 and 14. I think she was in town for a doc visit. You know, the doc that is right at the end of our street. Yep.

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:grouphug: the thing that stuck out to me was "after I"m done dealing with my emergencies". Oh the drama.


That's what stuck out to me, too. "No one is paying attention to me. Let me throw in a thinly veiled concern for my personal safety and see if they hop to."

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:grouphug: the thing that stuck out to me was "after I"m done dealing with my emergencies". Oh the drama.



Exactly! And there was more, but that's all I could remember off the top of my head.


Oh yes, this woman, on the first day we met (I came to their house after church on a Sunday.. From a different town, and dh and I had agreed on a specific time....I was NOT late...just to be clear).. Didn't even wait for an introduction when I walked in the door- just grabbed her purse and said. "Let's go!" (we were going out for lunch)


Oh, and everyone else is supposed to follow Miss Emily Post to the letter, but she doesn't. She showed up at one of the girls volleyball games last year, I was in the middle of a conversation w/ another mom, mid sentence, and she just interrupts to tell me something that has nothing to do w/ volleyball, the girls, or anyone I know. This one is common. Hello, I was talking!


Just before dh and I got married, she told me "you should meet so and so's son. He's majoring in X, too." Now, I know that could be taken as innocent, but she has a certain habit of nasty comments to me, hoping dh and I would break up., so... even fil jumped her for that comment.

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