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HS conference irritation


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I just got a bill in the mail for about $100 for my registration (purchased at the door) LAST JUNE!!! Apparently my card was "declined." Mind you, it's my debit card that I used the entire convention and am still using today.


I never noticed the charge didn't go through since I spent so, so, so much money that weekend. (My fault, I know.)


But, I get a bill today??? With "DECLINED" written on it? No apology for this taking so long?


My husband, who works in sales, says they should have closed out at the end of the conference and they obviously screwed something up.


Registration for this year's conference starts soon. I was already on the fence about it. I think this sealed the deal.


Is there any logical explanation for why this would have taken so long? I will gladly pay it- it's mine to pay, but I'm not happy with the way it was handled.



***uPDATE: All is well. Apparently it was my AmEx card and they don't take that, but the volunteer didn't know that at the time. They were very apologetic on the phone.

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Maybe they are closing out the books for last year, before they open up this year's conference? I've had that happen with my card too. In our case, if the bank is doing something in our account at the same time, it will be declined. Or, the more obvious thing, if the number or date is typed in incorrectly. I would still think they would have called or emailed you before now, though.


Although, when my mom died I was getting medical bills up to 18 mos after she passed. And the estate was closed so they went unpaid. Although it would have bene cheaper to pay them than to have the attorney tell them that. But, I digress.

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I don't know. Every once in awhile I have some random issue with my debit card. I have yet to understand what the problem is, but my guess is that it's on the biller's end, not mine. This happened when I used it to make donations to NPR. I got something in the mail saying they got an error message that my card was expired. It was not expired and, like you, I had used it many times since without a problem. So I called the woman and told her to try again. She was pretty snotty about it, but that's another story. It did work when she tried again.


You are right though, why are they waiting this long to tell you about it?



I had a woman at a small town gas station say my card didn't work and refused to run it again. She was *extremely* rude about it. I went outside and called the bank. Turns out that they had an older machine where they had to manually enter the security code into the machine, and she had put it in wrong. I was so ticked. I went to a different gas station, but called her boss later.

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Let's be honest- how many of us actually enter every single debit down into our checkbooks?


For that matter, how many of us even keep a checkbook register at all anymore, LOL? While I'm sure there are plenty of people who do, I'd imagine that it's becoming less common. That's what online checking is for, right? ;-)

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Let's be honest- how many of us actually enter every single debit down into our checkbooks?


For that matter, how many of us even keep a checkbook register at all anymore, LOL? While I'm sure there are plenty of people who do, I'd imagine that it's becoming less common. That's what online checking is for, right? ;-)



Especially with smartphones and banking apps. I generally only write down the things that don't clear immediately like gas station debits and checks. Yes, it is a good idea to keep track anyway due to things like this. But, most things immediately clear, which makes it easy to be lazy about it.

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I do.


We do not have enough money that we can be lax about accounting.


I print out the online statement and evaluate it. Takes very little time. Over the years, I have found mistakes made by the bank, as well as by companies.



Let's be honest- how many of us actually enter every single debit down into our checkbooks?


For that matter, how many of us even keep a checkbook register at all anymore, LOL? While I'm sure there are plenty of people who do, I'd imagine that it's becoming less common. That's what online checking is for, right? ;-)


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Let's be honest- how many of us actually enter every single debit down into our checkbooks?


For that matter, how many of us even keep a checkbook register at all anymore, LOL? While I'm sure there are plenty of people who do, I'd imagine that it's becoming less common. That's what online checking is for, right? ;-)



I do. Not only do I keep a written register, I also put everything into MS Money on my computer, too. And I log into my account online and balance my checkbook every few days, too. Down to the penny. I'm anal like that. :D

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I used to bother with all of that, but never found it all that useful so I stopped. I have gained more free time in my life. LOL


That and ironing. I quit ironing. Biggest waste of time ever.


See. I'm wearing a wrinkled shirt as we speak. It will be unwrinkled by the time I leave the house. Good enough for me. ;)

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We iron only if DH has a formal business call or is speaking at a conference. He does his own ironing of the shirts, so no problem on my end. (He does this from his own wish to be helpful.)


My dh always irons his on clothes and sometimes irons mine. He went to a military boarding school. He is WAY better at ironing than I am. I don't think there is any kind of shame in that.

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My dh always irons his on clothes and sometimes irons mine. He went to a military boarding school. He is WAY better at ironing than I am. I don't think there is any kind of shame in that.



No shame at all! Do you remember a recent thread when some of us were chiming in on what sewing skills our sons should acquire?

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I do. Not only do I keep a written register, I also put everything into MS Money on my computer, too. And I log into my account online and balance my checkbook every few days, too. Down to the penny. I'm anal like that. :D



Same here.... Except I use Quicken:)

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