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Tomato-staking a 3yo without distracting the 6yo...


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My 3yo has been into EVERYTHING today. She is one of those has-to-learn-the-hard-way, into-everything kids. If I wasn't homeschooling, she would be the oldest at home for a time. I know she would thrive on that. She wants to be my helper ALL THE TIME. But I need her to entertain herself for a few half hour periods a day. My toddler can, but she seems to get into trouble left and right each time.


I think she needs some extra attention or to be Mommy's helper or something. But when she's sitting at the table coloring while I'm teaching math, she's singing loudly. If she's playing with the rods, she's screaming in frustration because she can't get them to stand straight up. If I give her anything too fun, my older becomes distracted because all she can think about is doing whatever her sister is doing.


I make sure to read to the 3yo 30 min in the AM before school and 30min after lunch. But even if I do something beyond that in the AM with her (ie tot school or PreK activities), ten minutes later she's "helping me" by mopping my floor with sopping wet paper towels or sneaking raw spaghetti noodles, etc.


It's been a L O N G morning. *sigh*


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I so understand!!! I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old. They can get into so much trouble! Ugh! I often gate them together in one of their rooms and give them something to play with. It gives me time to work with the olders in the loft-right outside of the room where they are. I also get my oldest up before everyone else to do her main stuff. But boy are my days long!!

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The only thing that keeps my 2.5 yo occupied and not destroying the house is the iPad. I try to keep her with us for the first part of the lessons, but really the only time we get anything accomplished is when she's on that. It's the only time I let her play with it, but it does come with it's own set of problems. For me, it was a last resort kind of thing.....but we were at the last resort!

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