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Help me figure out math for DD...


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I need a new math for DD10. She's been doing Mammoth Math and it isn't horrible. (*I* love MM) But It's not a good fit for her. Math isn't her strength and MM frustrates her. During the harder chapters, she gets bogged down and frustrated and takes forever to get through it. (we'll spend several days on a lesson because her brain can only take so much.) Then, during the easier chapters, she forgets the harder stuff since there isn't much review. So, we need something that's going to spend enough time to practice, but not so much mastery that it overwhelms. And then reviews to keep those concepts fresh. She's in 5th grade, but mostly through the 4A book. So, we're a little behind. I was also thinking it might be a good idea to back her up a little to restore her confidence and make sure she's not missing anything important. What should I use? I looked at A Beka, but the lesson after lesson, with nothing to break it up, seems a bit much. I want her to have some small accomplishments to encourage her. And I like how MM is written to the student. Help! I don't want to jump around too much- we need to get on the ball and catch back up!

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I haven't used this yet but have you looked at CLP? (Christian Light Publications) This is what I'm thinking of switching over to for my youngest.....and possibly my 4th grader. From what I understand, you should take a placement test for proper placement.....someone chime in if I'm wrong.


(Edit: CLE Math and not CLP(this is their website))

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Please share your thoughts about CLE when it arrives.

I've been using Singapore with my DD6.5 but I'm considering moving over to CLE... We need a bit more review (maybe a spiral approach would be best for her, IDK.) We had a brief stint with MM, but it was a bit overwhelming for DD and I missed the extra stuff that can be found in teacher's guides (games, teaching ideas, mental review, etc).


So CLE is on my "to try" list...

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We use MM too and I've stopped it several times when my kids go through frustrated periods. I always think I'll find something better, but I honestly never do. So, what I do is when things get rough is: let the kids do 1/2 a sheet a day or take a week or two break and play math games (Rightstart has a great set of Math games for about $40). When we pick the normal MM pace back up, the kids have a better attitude. I've also found letting my kids choose when they do math to be very helpful. For example, I had placed math first thing in the day thinking that if the kids are frustrated we need to get it out of the way. However, my kids revised my posted schedule and moved math to the end. Letting the kids choose when they did math resulted in less conflict over actually doing the math. Go figure. :)

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I highly recommend CLE as well based on what you've described. We were in a very similar situation. Initially we started all dc with MUS. But its mastery approach only worked for ds11. Our dds were not retaining things and it was drudgery getting through the lessons. After researching other more spiral programs we tried CLE and they like it much more. We also tried MM, purchasing all the books. But it just wasn't a good fit.


The thing with CLE is that it is spiral. So upon first glance you may think there are not enough practice problems. But initially they typically introduce a subject, then follow-up in later light units with more problems. That really helps those who need a more spiral approach as they have multiple opportunities to work on certain topics throughout the year. And as others have said if you still want more problems it would be very easy to supplement with MM or other materials. We haven't felt the need to do this yet. But we have MM if we needed it.

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Rod and Staff was the solution for us. I assign all the assignments when it is a new task to master and then scale down and only assign evens or odds the other days. Ton of review mixed in and the lecture time with the whiteboard has made all the difference. I am able to teach, assign written work and then walk away to teach the next child.

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I started both girls on MM 2 years ago, and my older DD just didn't get it. It sounds very similar to what you are describing here. I kept our second DD on MM, and she is flourishing (she is very mathy and loves puzzles/manipulating numbers). I changed eldest DD to CLE, and it has helped tremendously.


Recently, we hit long division, and she was in tears again. I did stop for a couple of weeks and had her do just the things in CLE that she was having trouble in. I made them up myself with plain paper and a pen. Her confidence has soared, she actually smiled in math! We love CLE, and we will continue at least through their 6th grade level.


I couldn't stand the teacher's guides for Abeka or Saxon (used abeka for 2-1/2 years, perused Saxon). There was just so much to wade through. CLE is directed to the student, and it is easy to guide her when needed with their instructions. We go through things on a small white board. I have freaked out about being a bit behind. She is about 3 months "behind." She is learning, though, and retaining, and I don't want to move on if she doesn't get it. We've had a lot of stress in math, and easing off when extra practice and confidence is needed is okay. :)

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