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Books while on vacation, yes or no?


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Howdy! (Virtual wave)


Long time no talk to!


I can't imagine you not taking books on vacation! Does. Not. Compute.


I also cannot imagine me not taking books on vacation.




When I take books on vacation, they are typically fiction, not things like Climbing Parnassus ; ).


So perhaps some lighter reading would give you a break.

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I caved. Bought two used books to throw in my backpack. Fiction, which is unusual for me.


The Floating Book by Michelle Lovric and The Master, by Colm Toibin.


I think these two will get me to LAX, after that, I'll be without anything but the Sky Mall magazine ... I'm sure the iPad and Kindle will be dead by then.


Do they even have chargers on planes?


I'm feeling panicky.


Okay, I replied before I read the thread and your update. Yay for used fiction! I recommend:


1) Read the kindle on the first plane and recharge at LAX

2) Or, ration yourself to one book from departure to LAX, and then the second book for the LAX to destination. You can read the kindle the second half of both plane rides.

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One of these titles (The Floating Book) is some sort of romance. It has some historical redeeming qualities though. I think. We'll see.

The other one is about a writer's life, something to do with Joyce- sounded a little Downton-ish, so I thought, heck...okay, whaddya want for fifty cents? I'm cheap like that.

WTMCassandra...ya.. Parnassus at Hanauma Bay was interesting. Go shake it and see if any sand falls out eh? lol


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I've never taken a book on vacation---of course, on our vacations we go to see/do a bunch of stuff (i.e Disneyworld, Washington DC, Chicago etc) places with lots of attractions/museums. I figure I can (and do) read while I'm home, I want to make the most of the time I'm at whichever place we go to. I don't read in the evenings at the hotel because by the time we get in for the night, we're so exhausted that we just go straight to sleep so we can get up early again to see more stuff. We don't tend to take sitting on the beach type vacations, they just don't appeal to us, as we could sit just as well in our own apartment/patio for a lot less money. I can't read while in airplanes/cars/basically any transport as I have horrible motion sickness, so I tend to do most of the driving when we go anywhere so DH can read if he wants to. (DH doesn't have the motion sickness issue).

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One of these titles (The Floating Book) is some sort of romance. It has some historical redeeming qualities though. I think. We'll see.


The other one is about a writer's life, something to do with Joyce- sounded a little Downton-ish, so I thought, heck...okay, whaddya want for fifty cents? I'm cheap like that.


WTMCassandra...ya.. Parnassus at Hanauma Bay was interesting. Go shake it and see if any sand falls out eh? lol




Don't rub it in! I'm STILL jealous that my book went to Hawaii when I've never been.

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