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LOF or SM for fractions


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LOF is a good supplement. Ds used it after he’d already done Singapore. I’m not sure I’d say LOF is better, it’s just different. If I was only going to pick one I’d pick Singapore but it may help him to see it another way and it may give him extra time with fractions without seeming like just repeating the same material.

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I have one child on SM and the other on LoF. Neither is better. Both my kids learn differently. If you have LoF or can get it at the library, I'd give it a whirl. I'd also recommend using Khan Academy and pick up a game on fractions and/or do a lot of cooking. Hands on, IMHO, is the best way to learn fractions.

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I agree with Dancingmama. My older kiddo learned fractions entirely from LoF and never needed another source. My younger has been in Singapore Primary Math since 2A and has fractions down pat from there, but wants to do Fred anyway.


I do feel Fred pushes the problems to a more difficult and more applied level, and teaches them differently from Singapore; both teach both the why and how very effectively, just from different perspectives.


It's hard to make a recommendation without knowing how you tackled Singapore-- did he self-teach, or did you teach? Did you use ideas from the HIG? How confident dd you feel? Did you use C-Rods, fraction stacks, pie wedges, paper plates, a ruler, a stack of pencils, measuring cups, or any other manipulatives? Did he use both the workbook and the text? How old, roughly? Knowing some of that might help make it easier to know whether to recommend heading more toward Fred or something likevMath Mammoth, both of which are quite good, but have very different strengths that would apply depending upon your situation. I'd hate to send a kid to Fred because I didn't know his learning style might be more suited to MM (which is also very inexpensive to just acquire a topic book).



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Ah.. Thanks for all the replies. DS is 8. He is leaning SM 4A/4B at school this year. From next year I am thinking of homeschooling but that's a different story. He is falling behind and I need to do something about it. I will look into both LOF and MM fractions.



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