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Help! I'm just going to sit here, pull my hair out and cry!


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I can't find a math I like. My oldest LOVES Saxon and it works great with him. But my other kids cry and struggle and it doesn't work with them.I tried MM and it isn't for us.I need to find something and stick with it. I need something K-5 right now. We like the looks of BJU and TT. But with TT, I'm afraid my kids will behind. And BJU seems Teacher intensive. I don't mind teaching some but with 10 kids in school this year I can't devote a lot of time. Can some one help? My brain is fried looking for one. I'm open to anything.

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Well, we just started with Math on the Level and absolutely love it. It is pretty teacher involved though - but that doesn't bother me. I have one that is more indep, and one that needs some hand holding. My 7 y/o dd said just today, "you finally found a way to make math fun.". Both of my girls are actually asking for MORE math. Yes, more. I am so glad I switched to it. It is expensive at first, but goes from K-8 and is reusable.

They have a great yahoo group. Just google math on the level yahoo group. That has been a wealth of information.

Good luck.

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We use and love Singapore Math (US edition) I have one in K and one in 2nd.

We use the Textbook & Workbook and I purchased the HIG for 2A/2B but I haven't used it more than 2x's all year.

I sit with the kids and go over the lessons in the textbook. Then they do their workbook work independently.

SM textbooks are nice and colorful. The approach has been easy for me to teach and for them to learn.

Good Luck finding something that works for your little ones!

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CLE? Spiral if that suits you. Seriously easy to teach and easy for the student to stay very organized if you follow the format. Very clearly laid out with easy to use "extras" (flashcard system, reference chart). A small bite of new material each day so after about 10 minutes of review and new teaching the kiddo can finish the lesson without me. I correct later. In a big family I'd absolutely ask older students to take on the job of correcting the work of youngers....For many families CLE solves the math struggle.


Here's a link for Christian Light Math

Here's their placement/diagnostic test

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I LOVE BJU, but I don't follow the TM exactly on how to teach the lesson. It doesn't usually take long. I look at how they present the problems, then I do a problem or two from his page on the board. I have him write it down. Then we talk through another problem or two together. He finishes the rest of the lesson on his own. I check the front page for errors and correct anything before he does the back page.

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My 2 oldest do Teaching Textbooks and love it. If your kids are 'behind'-- it isn't a big deal. Get them going where they are and go from there. You may be surprised! If they are ahead, start them where they are and go from there. I don't find TT itself to be behind at all. Not sure why it has such a bad reputation on these boards. Everywhere else you see GLOWING reviews of it. With 10 kids in school that would be a LOT of math to teach. Teaching Textbooks would save you a LOT of time. It is expensive (unless you find a great price used) but it is reusable (books are NOT necessary-- we have not used them once) and they hold their resell value.

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I highly recommend at least trying Teaching Textbooks. It has gotten a bad rap on these boards, but in my mind the math that gets done consistently is the best math. My oldest is absolutely thriving with Algebra, which is something I never thought I would say. I have my 5th and 7th graders using it as well. I actually stopped my 5th grader who was using Math Mammoth and switched her. She had to go back to TT4, but finished it quickly and moved on to TT5. I don't think its behind, but if you need to work at an advanced pace, do so. Then once you get through all the levels, find a higher level math to fill up the jr/sr year.

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