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Other parents

Kathy G

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Just a little vent.


DS 14 take honors pre-calc and a college level engineering class at the local high school and then homeschools the rest, including one AP class. He carpools to soccer and the father of the other child asked him what classes he takes and told him to back off on his classes and he should just be like other 14 year olds. Nice. My son laughed it off telling us he isn't like other 14 year olds and that he would die of boredom if he took grade level classes. He didn't say anything to the other father. I was a little annoyed as the other child who really is more of a normal 14 year old is in to the typical things and has a very scheduled life- soccer other sports and an hour or two of homework each night. Where as my child is home from school by 10 AM, and done with homeschool usually by 1PM and then plays outside all afternoon or build things out of wood or electronics. I would argue my child has a lot more time to be a kid, while all the other 14 year olds are sitting in class waiting for school to be done....


OK sorry about the rant. I am not going to say anything to the dad unless it bothers my son, but I knew you all would understand. :hat: Glad I have this support network! I am a little tired of being labeled a pushy parent when I have been pulled kicking and screaming along for the ride. Just this year I limited him to either the SAT or ACT, not both. Yet, some parents think we pushed him into a test- oh if only they had any insight!

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Yep, people think I put my kid in 1st grade at 5 because I'm a slave driver or trying to be Supermom. She would hate everything about being in KG right now, if she were there.


Sometimes I tell people about my other kid's problems just to make them feel happy instead of sending negative vibes at my family. However weird that sounds.

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Agree about the SAT and ACT- it isn't uncommon for kids to take both here. I limited my son because he stresses so much about it. He already has great scores from last year so I didn't see any point to watching him stress out twice. I would have been fine with him skipping a year. So we compromised on just one test.


I hope the comments stop soon. It actually doesn't bother me much normally, but it all happened on a bad day anyway, which always magnifies everything. DS has forgotten about it now and he actualyl thinks it is funny when parents do this.


I feel like the best thing I can do is to have a child comfortable and confident in his abilities. He is obviously confident enough to blow this father off, so that is far more important than me worrying about what people will say, because they will still say things no matter what I do.


If only I could get him to put that much intensity into cleaning his room....

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It's quite common here in the suburban NYC area. Basically, it's just one of the ways someone tries to knock off his child's competition. Introduce a little doubt, make the kid feel bad, maybe then he will slow down so that commenter's child can look as good or better than the target. Also badmouth the competitor in public subtlely. "Yeah, he's good in math, but most kids that go that fast crash and burn."...a nonexpert might beleive that and it may influence the opportunities available to the child.

:ohmy: :svengo:
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