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My life is a soap opera ...


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I have one child with congenital heart defects who has been through multiple surgeries, and that has been a rollercoaster over the years. Last summer he got a pacemaker and thankfully has been doing well since then (knock on wood). So yesterday my completely healthy 17 year old dd was diagnosed with a (likely benign) bone tumor in her femur, and she has to fly out of state to have it surgically removed ASAP. Luckily they can do it in Portland where we have all of our family. I have been on the phone for hours updating insurance information, coordinating appointments, etc. The boy that my dd is very good friends with (and has a little crush on) is being a jerk to her about her leg, and she is taking it hard. I just want to wring his neck. I don't know what we'll be doing about child care, but it looks like we may have the 11 year old in charge of the 5 year old when the younger isn't in preschool. I think he can handle it (I hope he can handle it). I don't know how my dd is going to keep up in pre-calc or her other classes. Oh my gosh this is overwhelming.


Then this morning I get a call that the results of my tissue compatibility tests are in, and I am indeed a match to a patient who needs a bone marrow transplant. They want me to come to Portland for a physical, and then come back down in March for the transplant. They will try to coordinate my physical with my dd's surgery so I don't need to make 3 trips to Portland in two months.


Then on the positive side, dh found his dream job and sent in his application yesterday. My dyslexic/dysgraphic 5th grader just finished writing a 6 page (handwritten, double-spaced) creative story that he outlined himself. It follows a perfect story arc and I am beaming with pride (and ignoring the misspellings and punctuation errors, lol). That same kid took a standardized test this week that he had been really anxious about, and said it turned out to be a little challenging, but not bad.


I feel like I have enough info for an entire Christmas card writeup, and we're not even 6 weeks into the year. This means things must slow down soon, right?

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Wow! That is a lot to have happening at one time. Heck, that's a lot to have going on in one year!


Hugs to you and prayers for your children and all that they are facing/going through, especially your dd.


What a blessing to be a bone marrow donor! May it be a wonderful experience for you both.


Best wishes to your dh on the dream job.


High five to your 5th grader. That is awesome!

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Thanks, guys. I know I don't share a lot about my family so it's not like anyone here feels like they "know" me, but my mind is kind of spinning and it's nice to get some support. I am used to dealing with my son's medical and educational issues, and now all of a sudden my daughter needs me to do all of that stuff for her. Hopefully my 5 year old doesn't get into any trouble now.

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Thanks, guys. I know I don't share a lot about my family so it's not like anyone here feels like they "know" me, but my mind is kind of spinning and it's nice to get some support. I am used to dealing with my son's medical and educational issues, and now all of a sudden my daughter needs me to do all of that stuff for her. Hopefully my 5 year old doesn't get into any trouble now.


When I see one of your posts, I try to read it. I was pretty interested to see how Alaska turned out for you guys and I read your dd's blog that you had posted a link to when you first moved there. We worked in Anchorage for 1 1/2 years.


I am sorry things turned out so rough up there for you and I am sorry your dd is dealing with a tumor that can't be treated locally.


Take care of you and your family and know that some of us do feel like we know you.



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When I see one of your posts, I try to read it. I was pretty interested to see how Alaska turned out for you guys and I read your dd's blog that you had posted a link to when you first moved there. We worked in Anchorage for 1 1/2 years.


I am sorry things turned out so rough up there for you and I am sorry your dd is dealing with a tumor that can't be treated locally.


Take care of you and your family and know that some of us do feel like we know you.




You are very sweet. I am not sure if I want to stay in Alaska after this. Luckily my son has a good cardiologist, but if the tumor isn't benign than I am outta here. I am also having trouble finding friends who aren't miles apart from me politically. But my dd was homeschooled for 8th grade, Oregon PS for 9th, village school for 10th, and now another school for 11th, and she does not want to move again. Even the thought of using the homeschool charter that is part of this school district is too much to think about. She is determined to keep up in pre-calc so she can finish out the year at her school.


I will ask DD if she wants to blog again. Once she got to the village she got paranoid that someone there would read it. She did update it in June with a recap of her year there. http://breakingiceblog.wordpress.com/

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You weren't kidding when you posted that title!


I definitely believe in the Golden Rule, karma, or whatever you want to call it. Your gift of bone marrow is going to not only bless the receiver but you as the giver as well.


Take care of yourself momma!




Elise in NC


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