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My husband fixed our washer and dryer


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My dryer stopped working last week and my washer has not been agitating for over a year (so I would just run smaller loads). We haven't had a problem with the washer and dryer except for a blown thermal fuse in the dryer ($3 part). The washer/dryer Kenmore set is 16 years old, our first purchase when we got married.


We have been thinking about getting a new set. I picked out a Speed Queen set. But my husband wanted to check the dryer. He took the dryer apart and vacuumed it out. There was so much grit in the dryer and all the seals were worn out, but there wasn't much lint. He found $1.50 in change and 4 socks and 1 glove inside the dryer. After he cleaned it out, the dryer worked but he said the seals and belt were worn out.


He looked up the parts he needed and called a local appliance parts store and the parts were $25. He asked the parts man about the agitator in the washer and the man said that they sell agitator repair kits for $25. So my husband ordered one of those also. The store had the parts the next day with no shipping charges, which beat ordering the parts online. The man said it was worth fixing because my husband was doing it himself.


My husband fixed both things yesterday and everything is running as it should. He priced a dryer motor, just in case, for $40. The dryer is smooth and the washer can now agitate a full load. And we don't need to buy a new washer/dryer. I am just so happy. It has been a tough January with illnesses and some unexpected bills.

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We had one of those eureka! moments that we could just fix things a few years ago. Feels great, doesn't it?


Though, in all honesty, I felt like such a loser for being trapped in the mindset that we had to replace things when they broke for so long. I sort of feel like I was unwittingly brainwashed by advertising. :-/

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Nice Work LMH's dh!!!


When we bought our washer 20+ years ago, we purposely chose a fairly straightforward model, with future repairs in mind. So glad we did, as we've done a few repair jobs recently, and it now runs better than ever! Even a $70 part is much, much cheaper than a new washer!


I really encourage anyone with a broken appliance to give it a try - there are lots of YouTube videos now to help you, and Google is really helpful too.


Maybe if more people start doing this, manufacturers will get the idea and start making products that are easier to repair, and better made to begin with.

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We had one of those eureka! moments that we could just fix things a few years ago. Feels great, doesn't it?


Though, in all honesty, I felt like such a loser for being trapped in the mindset that we had to replace things when they broke for so long. I sort of feel like I was unwittingly brainwashed by advertising. :-/


If it makes you feel better sometimes just replacing is the best option.


My husband just fixed the drip in the bathtub. :hurray:

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Yay for your Dh!


My mom fixed her dryer last week. A fuse and both heating elements have given up the ghost. She bought the parts local for around $70 (cheaper than online) and had it up and running is about 30 minutes. Her current dryer is 12 years old, and she made her last one last 25 years. She only upgraded the last one because she was tired of harvest gold appliances!


She's coming over this week to show me how to replace the timer on my dryer. Ours went out a year ago and we've been using a kitchen timer, but when I found out she could fix dryers I decided to ask her for some help. :)

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I just want to point out that the parts man told me most appliances are worth fixing only if you do it yourself (or someone you know fixes it for free). He told my husband that if you have pay the repairman an expensive hourly rate, you are better off replacing the appliance. I did call around before my husband looked at the dryer. It was $70 to just look at the dryer. Weigh the cost of a repairman against the cost of a new appliance.


Sometimes you can get a good used one. My neighbor bought a 2 year-old freezer from someone who was moving for $50. It was virtually new.

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My dryer stopped working last week and my washer has not been agitating for over a year (so I would just run smaller loads). We haven't had a problem with the washer and dryer except for a blown thermal fuse in the dryer ($3 part). The washer/dryer Kenmore set is 16 years old, our first purchase when we got married.


We have been thinking about getting a new set. I picked out a Speed Queen set. But my husband wanted to check the dryer. He took the dryer apart and vacuumed it out. There was so much grit in the dryer and all the seals were worn out, but there wasn't much lint. He found $1.50 in change and 4 socks and 1 glove inside the dryer. After he cleaned it out, the dryer worked but he said the seals and belt were worn out.


He looked up the parts he needed and called a local appliance parts store and the parts were $25. He asked the parts man about the agitator in the washer and the man said that they sell agitator repair kits for $25. So my husband ordered one of those also. The store had the parts the next day with no shipping charges, which beat ordering the parts online. The man said it was worth fixing because my husband was doing it himself.


My husband fixed both things yesterday and everything is running as it should. He priced a dryer motor, just in case, for $40. The dryer is smooth and the washer can now agitate a full load. And we don't need to buy a new washer/dryer. I am just so happy. It has been a tough January with illnesses and some unexpected bills.


Good for him! Handy men are great, aren't they? Mine wired our first house, and has replaced and repaired many mechanical things. He replaced the motherboard on our washer once. Just today he put in a new headlight into my weird van, after watching a youtube video on it.


Handy men save you money!

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Dh fixes most anything that breaks around here. He likes to joke that I will never get a new appliance--he just fixes them! He uses the internet to troubleshoot and figure out what the problem likely is, then orders the part with the local appliance place. I would stick with that old set as long as possible. He is very frustrated with how many plastic parts are in appliances these days. Our last washer repair was replacing the plastic parts that hold the rotating bin thing (front load washer).

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Oooh - nice! I know that happy/totally relieved feeling, when you think you're going to have to spend money you don't have until he steps in and saves the day - also married a handy man.


Honestly, it's one of my favorite things about him. I remember when he pulled the steering column from my car when we were dating, after I was positive it was going to bankrupt me to have the thing fixed (not knowing what was wrong with it, even.) I had no idea he could do things like that. I was already head over heels for him, thanks to his personality and humor, but seeing him covered in car parts, troubleshooting my Prelude, pretty much sealed the deal. :001_tt1:


Over the past 15 years, he has saved us some SERIOUS money. Broken appliances, bathroom gutting and remodeling, scout rocket launchers, automotive, flooring, wiring, plumbing, he's pretty handy with almost anything. He's currently building a new privacy fence, from scratch, because it's cheaper. <<swoon>>


He also made some curtains for the kitchen in my apt back when we first met, but I'm not supposed to talk about that, lol.

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I'm glad he was able to fix them. :)


We just did this with our dryer. It's only ten years old. $60 in parts and it runs great. The guy at the appliance parts store said it's better to keep and fix the one I have, he said the new ones are basically throw aways anymore. I'm not sure about that but it sure helped our budgeg.

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