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i Bought Songlight Core D .....

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Find a used Core 3. That core did not change for several years until 2012. I'm using the 2004 version this year, and we LOVE IT. Many of the books can be found at the library, or you can find a bundle of books used.


I got one for like 250 a couple years ago. Reused a bunch of the books this year with TOG 3. It's a great core!


Original poster: I actually have an extra IG for Core 3 if you want to piece one together. :) It's old, but works just fine.

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Look on ebay. You will be surprised at what kind of deals you can get. I bought a core C for under $50, it was almost complete, I am just about to get core D and have been hitting the used book stores. So far I have collected enough to make what I still need to get at about the $250 range. Another idea, look for the more expensive books on Amazon, look at the used prices, some are very cheap, maybe just a few pennies with 3.50 shipping. There are lots of ways to bring a core price down it just might take some time. I am starting to collect for the cores after D just to have a head start. So even if you might not get a core D this year, start collecting for core E now.

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