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What is your favorite History for the Grammar stage?


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I'll be starting History for my DS in 3rd grade next year. I'll also have a 1st and 2nd but I don't worry too much about them doing History. I will probably have them sit in on it but not require a whole lot from them. I'm wondering what everyone likes and why. I like open and go type of stuff. Not much preparation or planning. I don't mind getting books at the library. I've always done Sonlight in the past but open to other things if it's not too expensive (I already have an old Core 2 World History but was told I couldn't use it because it was the 2nd have of a World History although I used it by itself years ago) There are so many other History programs out there since I last bought History. Thanks

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The ORIGINAL Doubleday hardcover early-1990s What Your Grader Needs to Know series, books 1-6. They are OOP but widely and cheaply available.


We do some notebooking, and I do get extra books and DVDs from the library, but it feels open-and-go to me, as it takes no planning whatsoever other than placing a few holds and picking them up once a week. Sometimes I prepare an example notebook page so the student can see EXACTLY what I want them to produce. I guess that I don't have to THINK is why I like the series so much. It's just do the next thing.

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For third grade next year, I am trying to decide between Story of the World (currently use) or My Father's World (never used). Story of the World is very easy to implement, inexpensive, and the kids enjoy it. Everyone around me is on a MFW kick, though, so it's really making me consider it. My main thing this year was getting my kids on the same cycle of history and science. We started the year with them each in their own level of Heart of Dakota, and that was just taking too long.

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SOTW has been a good fit for us... we also enjoyed Child's History of the World (just as "fun" reading, not our spine, and make sure you get the updated one!), and I noticed this year that they have other workbooky type materials to go along with it at Rainbow.



What edition is the one I should get? I used to have it. I'm guessing I sold it when I thought I was done homeschooling and needed money :(

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SOTW is definitely my favorite. Mostly open and go, lots of recommended books that I can reserve at my library ahead of time, great comprehension questions in the AG, maps and coloring pages, coordinates pages from the major history encyclopedias, fun, and quick to implement. It is everything I want and need for grammar stage.

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SOTW and I'm also loving Sonlight Core D (I haven't done C).


I'm not sure why you couldn't use core C without using B first. You CAN start history at the middle ages. Sonlight has you do the book of time anyway, so your child will see where things are. If you think you'll like what you have, give it a try! :)

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