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Vocabulary woes----need suggestions

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What vocabulary curriculum would you suggest for an 8th grader that has not done a formal vocabulary program? We did several years of Rod and Staff spelling and are using Abeka spelling this year, but we have only worked on vocabulary in context, and I am worried that I should have been having her work through a series of workbooks. We tried working with Vocabulary Cartoons last year but it was a flop.


Any ideas on where to start?


Thanks so much!

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We're using Word Roots from Critical Thinking Company.


My goal is to get my son to be able to break down words and have a basic grasp of their meaning based on the components. It won't always be right, but it will be close enough in many situations to figure out the word from context after that. With approximately 200 roots, prefixes, and suffixes memorized he can figure out many more words than using a traditional program, imo. I have him work through a page in the WR book, make up notecards for the new roots/fixes, and study his notes for the next 10 minutes. They rotate through Latin in the first book and add more Greek in the second. I'm not sure about the third - we're not there yet. :)

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We use and like Wordly Wise 3000 workbooks. They go through grade 12 level. From the website, the workbooks include "vocabulary development, reading comprehension, critical thinking, using a dictionary and pronunciation key, word usage, test taking/assessment, context clues, synonyms and antonyms, multiple-meaning words, using word parts to determine meaning (prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin roots), homophones, picture clues and captions, analogies, word origins, and repeated exposure in many contexts". It's also very handy for ACT/SAT prep, with words that frequently appears on those tests. The workbooks don't require a ton of physical writing, so the lessons don't take lots of time, but the exercises are effective for us.


You can see samples here. You can see the word lists for each level and the free "reinforcement activities" (word-based games) here. (Click on "students".)


I've looked at many focused "word root" workbooks as well, and the one I like best is Vocabulary from Classical Roots, but there are still things I don't like about it, mainly to do with organization and layout, and lack of practice.

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Another vote for Wordly wise 3000. I have one currently finishing up grade 8 and one using grade 5. Both boys hate memorising things but have enjoyed this program. It has been particularly good for introducing shades of meaning that you may not pick up from learning vocabulary through reading.

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Wordly Wise here too. Ds works a year ahead and did the 11th grade book this year. Dd is working at grade level and did 8th grade. We've been using it since middle school. Ds whose vocabulary is surpassing mine, learned to answer questions found on standardized tests (where he never misses a vocabulary word). Each chapter in WW ends with an informational passage with questions related to it. This was hard for ds when he started and now he can do it perfectly - I huge gain! Dd's vocabulary is much more typical, good but not amazing. WW has been great for expanding her vocabulary even though she doesn't like it.

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