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Weirdest night ever... Dr. Hive?


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Last night I woke from a dead sleep choking on bile. I could not breathe. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom gasping for air and trying to spit out the stuff lodged in my throat. It was scary. THEN, I spent the next two hours with horrible heart burn. I'm not prone to heart burn and this was horrible. Then twice when I actually dozed off I woke up gasping for air. My blood pressure was normal. My pulse was normal. We kept talking about whether I needed to go to the hospital, but then I felt better. I finally fell asleep with DH staying up and reading next to me and slept fine. I woke up ok this morning. Yesterday I had a routine EKG, because I am a high risk pregnancy and everything was normal.

I've never experienced the horrible heartburn pregnant people talk about, is that all this was? Does this sound familiar to anyone? I called my OB nurse and she was going to check with him and call me back, but in the mean time I'm just sitting here wondering. I'm fine today. Tired and a little weak, but ok. I'm 21w pregnant, if that makes any difference.

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Yes I have had what you are talking about when pregnant. I am very short waisted so the baby just squishes everything up. I get the reflux thing so bad by the end of a pregnancy that I can feel the acid in my ears. I wish that was an exaggeration! :glare:


The thing that helped for me was not lying down flat. Changing my diet didnt help at all. Even water made me have reflux.


Sorry you are not feeling well!

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Yep. I spent the last half of my pregnancies sleeping in a separate bed from DH because our double bed didn't have room for all my propping-up pillows. I ended up pushing a twin bed into a corner and putting the pillows in the corner. That way, my "pillow tower" didn't keep toppling over! Good luck finding what works.

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I get this occasionally especially when I eat too close to bedtime. My remedy is 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water. Mix well and drink down. Works like a charm. Sometimes I will even do it before I go to bed if I suspect I have eaten too late. I wish I had thought to do that when I was pregnant. Miserable heartburn for 6 months when pregnant with Sweet-Pea.

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