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Anyone care to share what their dh/dw does for a living?

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My dh is a Bulk Sales Representative for Pepsi. He sells Pepsi products to grocery stores. He also builds the Pepsi displays at the front of the grocery stores and along the endcaps, restocks and cleans the shelves while he is there, and is always pushing for more shelf space and an extra Pepsi cooler on the grocery floor. :D He generally works 65-70 hours per week, so I can stay home with the kids. He is our hero! :)

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I have really enjoyed the connectedness with you all! I am really proud of my hubby...not because of his job, or his amazing status in this world, but his God-honoring humility and strength of character at the workplace. He works in a high-stress, constantly changing field. He honors his family daily with his strong work ethic. He is a Switch Technician for a major wireless telephone company. Let's just say that it starts with a *V*. So, fearlessly working both day and night, he coordinates with the field engineers who actually drive all over creation :auto:, calling each other and literally saying "Can you hear me now?". If they can't...:confused:...then my hubby is standing by on his 4 computers to find out the problem and get it fixed. So when you are talking on your *V* cell phones...my hubby built the network that is making it work! Now he recently had to put his foot down about all this night work...since he has more important night work at home with me. :D

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He really is someone who is in network marketing/work at home business that makes killer money, travels a bunch and stays home all day, every day with his family. ;)


Before that he was an assistant manager at a Waldenbooks and after that traveled 5 days a week, day and night playing piano full time. Both provided lots of time away from home and virtually NO money. We were just determined to try and make a different life than our families had and what we were having.

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a Federal Probation and Parole Officer for the US Courts. He feels that he is just a babysitter.






Ha! What are the odds of two wives of Federal Probation Officers being on the forums. I told my dh about your husband saying it was like babysitting and he chuckled and said he could relate to that!!

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due to health (Alzheimer's Disease), dh can no longer work. He most recently worked as a Door Greeter, and a Security Guard before that. When we met, he and I were both working as Mechanical Design Engineers. I now stay home, teach Geometry and Physics at our co-op, and tutor math, as well as homeschool our sons.

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