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What sort of doctor should I see?


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About 6 weeks ago I started having upper back pain – almost exactly in between my shoulder blades. It hurts to move my arms out and they feel weaker in the upper arm part. And my right shoulder is drooping.


I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted me and sent me for a massage but it didn’t help. I’ve tried sleeping in a different position and that didn’t help. Ibuprofin isn’t helping. Stretches aren’t helping. Heat isn’t helping. I hate icing anything.


I had similar pain before but it was from when fluid built up around my heart and was pushing on my spine (pericarditis with effusion) but I don’t have the other multiple symptoms I had had when I had that. And, I don’t WANT it to be that.


I’ve made an appointment with an Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine doctor – on the 23rd – but I was wondering if anyone out there had any ideas on who else I should see? Or any BTDT advice.


Prayers and good thoughts are welcome too. Thank you all!

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OOOO.... ick! I'm sorry, but if you have a previous history of heart issues with the spine involved, you really should get that checked with your cardiologist or whomever is following that for you. It's a "better-safe-than-sorry" item and it almost sounds like some sort of inflamation thing is going on.


Sorry - I hope it's something less serious!

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Yes, I think that my issue is chronic inflammation of some sort. I'm trying to live in denial about this. I've started taking Bromelain and eating more plant based foods and cutting out refined sugar and flour.


Jean: are you on the Aleve all the time? Do you ever go off? Do you see your cardiologist regularly? I would have to travel an hour to see mine - it's a pain.


Beside the curcumin and the bromelain - is there anything else for inflammation?


I would prefer not to see the cardiologist without knowing for sure that it was heart related. I always feel so stupid when I go, I was so healthy before, and I look healthy now and people have a hard time believing I feel as bad as I do and I have to fight to be heard - every single time.

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No, I am not on the Aleve all the time. I get off of it as soon as I can. In fact my pharmacist is a bit worried at how much I take but it is the only thing that works for me - steroids (for some strange reason) do nothing. I am on it again this morning because I can hardly walk because my feet are swollen so much, but I haven't been on it for at least a month.

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If it's a tear or a displacement no other form of medicine can really help with that.



That doesn't sound good. I wonder how I would have done that??? Probably towing around my two (almost 3) year old probably...


I'm going to check my insurance and see what doctors I could get into - choice is limited in my immediate area.

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No, I am not on the Aleve all the time. I get off of it as soon as I can. In fact my pharmacist is a bit worried at how much I take but it is the only thing that works for me - steroids (for some strange reason) do nothing. I am on it again this morning because I can hardly walk because my feet are swollen so much, but I haven't been on it for at least a month.



I'm sorry Jean, - that feet swollen thing is not a good thing. :grouphug: Have you ever tried colchicine? It is a gout remedy but they put me on it a couple of years ago and it really helped. I've read that steroids can actually make pericarditis worse.

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A family doctor or internest. They are more general and will consider all organ systems. The problem with going to a specialist is that they are only (ok, mostly) going to think about their organ system. If you go to an orthopod and it turns out to be a cardiac issue, it will probably take a lot longer to figure that out. The generalist is in a better position to figure out what specialist you might need.

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I'm sorry Jean, - that feet swollen thing is not a good thing. :grouphug: Have you ever tried colchicine? It is a gout remedy but they put me on it a couple of years ago and it really helped. I've read that steroids can actually make pericarditis worse.


I didn't know about the steroids. It seemed to be the "go to" treatment for both my doctor and the ER. I don't have pericarditis all the time. I am prone to it and have had it about 4 times now in the last couple of years. I now know what it feels like and immediately start treatment. The sooner I start the better because it keeps the inflammation from getting out of hand.

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I didn't know about the steroids. It seemed to be the "go to" treatment for both my doctor and the ER. I don't have pericarditis all the time. I am prone to it and have had it about 4 times now in the last couple of years. I now know what it feels like and immediately start treatment. The sooner I start the better because it keeps the inflammation from getting out of hand.



It's been a bit since I've searched for the steroid thing - looks like current research is that if the practitioner thinks it's warranted than a low dose is best - but to try to avoid it if at all possible...




If you don't mind sharing (you can pm me if you want) what do your symptoms look like? Have you noticed a rhyme or reason for when you "get" yours again?

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A family doctor or internest. They are more general and will consider all organ systems. The problem with going to a specialist is that they are only (ok, mostly) going to think about their organ system. If you go to an orthopod and it turns out to be a cardiac issue, it will probably take a lot longer to figure that out. The generalist is in a better position to figure out what specialist you might need.


I agree, and tell them your heart history. That doc will likely send you to a specialist, but you'd have a medical opinion about which specialist to start with. If that doc thinks it's an urgent situation, you could go through a local hospital, or just get seen faster by the cardiologist or orthopedic doctor.


With your history and symptoms, I would not go to an alternative practitioner right now, and I wouldn't self-diagnose. You have a history of the heart issues, so I'd be surprised if they didn't take that seriously. Tell them you want to rule that out. And take a friend with you. I think that having someone not related who is there as a witness would tend to keep a doctor on his/her toes. There would be a disinterested 3rd party to attest to what the doctor said/didn't say. It wouldn't just be doc's word against yours if s/he blew you off and it was something more serious.


Also, be careful with using heat. It can make certain things better, but if there is inflammation, it just makes that worse.

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It's been a bit since I've searched for the steroid thing - looks like current research is that if the practitioner thinks it's warranted than a low dose is best - but to try to avoid it if at all possible...




If you don't mind sharing (you can pm me if you want) what do your symptoms look like? Have you noticed a rhyme or reason for when you "get" yours again?



Tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, stabbing pain in the chest, lung area, my blood pressure always goes up because of the inflammation and tightness.

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About 6 weeks ago I started having upper back pain – almost exactly in between my shoulder blades. It hurts to move my arms out and they feel weaker in the upper arm part. And my right shoulder is drooping.


I went to the chiropractor and he adjusted me and sent me for a massage but it didn’t help. I’ve tried sleeping in a different position and that didn’t help. Ibuprofin isn’t helping. Stretches aren’t helping. Heat isn’t helping. I hate icing anything.


I had similar pain before but it was from when fluid built up around my heart and was pushing on my spine (pericarditis with effusion) but I don’t have the other multiple symptoms I had had when I had that. And, I don’t WANT it to be that.


I’ve made an appointment with an Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine doctor – on the 23rd – but I was wondering if anyone out there had any ideas on who else I should see? Or any BTDT advice.


Prayers and good thoughts are welcome too. Thank you all!


This is a long shot, but you're not by chance taking Prilosec are you? I had upper back pain and weakness in my upper arms when I took Prilosec.

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Either see your cardiologist, or see an orthopedic doctor. If it's not heart issues, it could be a bulging disc. (I have similar symptoms due to bone spurs, and I had an escalation in symptoms due to a bulging disc.) Either way, get someone who will order an xray and possibly (probably) an MRI.


If it is a disc or nerve impingement issue in the spine, definitely get into physical therapy. Chiropractic care is not enough--partnered with physical therapy, though, you should have good results.

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Tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, stabbing pain in the chest, lung area, my blood pressure always goes up because of the inflammation and tightness.



Besides the upper back pain (that I haven't had since 2008) I get shortness of breath, palpitations, and some sharp pains that go through my shoulder and up my neck - my blood pressure usually stays low. This time the only claim to fame is the back pain, small amount of shortness of breath and that's about it. Funny how it's different for different people...

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Either see your cardiologist, or see an orthopedic doctor. If it's not heart issues, it could be a bulging disc. (I have similar symptoms due to bone spurs, and I had an escalation in symptoms due to a bulging disc.) Either way, get someone who will order an xray and possibly (probably) an MRI.


If it is a disc or nerve impingement issue in the spine, definitely get into physical therapy. Chiropractic care is not enough--partnered with physical therapy, though, you should have good results.



Welllllll, I went ahead and called the cardiologists office and spoke with the nurse and she asked for me to come in tomorrow afternoon to see the NP.


IF it's not pericarditis, then my plan is to get with the orthopedic doctor asap as well.


Truth be told I HATE chiropractors - all that snapping and twisting. I went cause I was desperate and my dh LOVES the chiro and thought it would beneficial. I much prefer the osteopath - but it would be over a hundred dollars to see him as he is not covered on insurance.


I hope though that you are feeling better...I've read a bit about bulging discs and it sounds very painful.

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I had similar pain before but it was from when fluid built up around my heart and was pushing on my spine (pericarditis with effusion) but I don’t have the other multiple symptoms I had had when I had that. And, I don’t WANT it to be that.



since you've had similar symptoms before, I would want to rule that out by seeing a cardiologist.

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