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I am soooo freakin' sick of...


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I have done that. I don't even want to tell you how bad it got. I live with ONLY BOYS.


They had no intention of cleaning it, EVER.


It will never bother them. It never did.


I finally just had to clean it and it took me WAY longer than if I had just cleaned up a couple of weeks prior (and yes I made them help.)


I strongly suggest NOT doing this method.


As long as it bothers you more than them, it won't change.


Can you do an experiment and let things go for a time? See how long it takes for the mess to get on your husband's nerves? Keep a journal of how they step over the mess and ignore it?


I wouldn't be surprised if my husband does that with me on occasion. I just don't see (or care) about the mess/clutter. But I do have a point where it starts getting to me.


Hope you find a way to make it work!


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Yeah, No way. My kids can out wait me any time. I am just one of those moms that has to grab the bulls by their horns and force them into the inevitable....they may kick and scream.....but, I can be quite a formidable force!



I have done that. I don't even want to tell you how bad it got. I live with ONLY BOYS.


They had no intention of cleaning it, EVER.


It will never bother them. It never did.


I finally just had to clean it and it took me WAY longer than if I had just cleaned up a couple of weeks prior (and yes I made them help.)


I strongly suggest NOT doing this method.


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Yup, that was the day I quit doing laundry for my older kids.


And I don't pick up their crap that they walk and drop, I broom it in to the center of the room and give them 10 minutes to tidy before I toss.


And I refuse to make their cooking dishes clean. If they bake, cook, microwave, they clean.


And when they complain........ "I didn't make this mess. I won't pick it up twice."




Amazing how they figured it out so quickly.....the piles are shorter, there are fewer cooks in my kitchen, and they only have to experiences the out of undies once before they get it all together.


We talk about homeschooling more than just the academics. That in includes the reality that it takes all the household citizens putting things away to all the time to keep it clean, not jus the mom.

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Really I bet you are far too nice.


That's what I learned about myself. I was too nice and I was being punished for it.


I decided to stop that.


If I find something they don't care enough about to put away, often after mulitple reminders, I throw it in the trash and I do not replace it.


If it is expensive, I might just put it in box in my closet and decide to sell or donate it later.


If I have to clean their room, I'm doing it with a yard garbage bag in hand and I'm not asking permission as I do it.


I tried nice. No one cared and I felt punished.


Not nice is highly effective. They now know how it works. If they want to keep something, they better take care of it themselves because they do not get any say at all in how someone else does it for them. Toy broke bc they left it in the floor and the baby got it? Too bad, whine elsewhere. Can't find dance clothes? Too bad, guess you'll miss it today or show up to sit it out.


I'm telling you, this was the only way my family got on board and in gear. They didn't care until I made it a situation where it affected them more than me.


Now I will still remind them to put away their stuff, but they are usually quick to do it without complaint.



Yep. Nothing makes my kids move faster than the thought that I will clean their rooms.

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I thought of you as I checked this out of the library


"Cleaning House : A Mom's 12-month experiment to rid her home of entitlement"


I've read the intro so far, so I don't know if it is any good. But, it is intriguing.


Love the title! Going to see if my library has it!

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