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What do I say to DS's ped???


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So, I need to make an appt for DS3 with his ped. Something is not right, but I'm not sure how to put it into words (or at least condense it enough for a 15 min dr appt lol).

I suspect OCD based on what I've read. I would LOVE some therapy for him and techniques to use at home.


MIL has OCD (pretty sure) and 1 of DH's bros also. DH has OCPD (again not official diag, but he scores off the charts). I know this can run in families they say.


Anyway, DS3 is making it difficult to HS the others...he has little fixations that turn into HUGE fits. Time out does NOT work with him. Instead I hug him and remove him from the situation and rock him and "shh" him (like white noise) till he relaxes. He has a speech delay which we know about and are working with him at home and once I get a car, I will seek out weekly therapy for him as I know that not being able to express himself is not helping. We are working on using some signs. But that is not my main concern right now.


The main issue is these fixations. Everything has to stop while I deal with it. Like having something "complete" is one of them... if an ice cube tray is missing a couple of cubes, he will break down until I refill those empty ones. I buy juice concentrate and mix in a clear rubbermaid pitcher that holds 64oz, you are only suppose to fill to 48oz...NOPE not gonna happen if he sees it, he throws a fit wanting me to fill it ALL the way. Tons more examples like this, puzzles if a piece gets lost, etc. This is his main one, but there are other smaller ones also. (by the way he is AWESOME at puzzles)

I don't think it's Autism as he communicates fine despite his speech delay and jokes and smiles and when he is happy... he is super fun to be around and loving.


So, how would you approach this with a ped??? Just walk in and say I want him evaluated by...... whom?? a child therapist??? I need to check with ins, because I think we can self refer for mental health things....

Would they see a child who is essentially non to low verbal?? (he speaks 12-15 words regularly and uses a couple other signs)


Sorry so long and rambling, I just have no one irl to ask this...So if anyone can suggest something, I would appreciate it...

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Because of the speech delay I would ask for a referral to a specialist that could evaluate for issues including Autism and OCD. Depending on who is available in your area-likely adevelopmental pediatrician or pediatrics neuropsychologist. You will likely get a better idea of what you're dealing with then and be better able to guide any therapy decisions.

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Thanks, that is the thing I am trying to avoid, the "school district" part of it, as they are not pro homeschooling and we are a minority so they tend to look on me differently to begin with... long story.

So I rather go the private route. I just checked and we can self refer for specialists for sure if they are in our group, so gonna call them and see if they have any pediatrics neuropsychologists in group. If they don't then we have to get a referral out of the group...

Would a regular child psychologist be able to evaluate? (without the neuro part attached ...)

We had a Speech eval done a while back and I am just waiting for transportation then I will have to work that into our schedule.

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You might still want to go to your pediatrician, if you like them. A lot of times we can call and get someone in quicker than they would be seen if they call on their own. Appts. with neuropsych can be a long wait (sometimes 3-6 months depending on where you live). Neuropsych is a good choice, probably better than child psych for the issues you mentioned (although it depends a lot on the individual doctor). Developmental peds is another good way to go. Your pediatrician might also be able to direct you to people in the area that are especially good.


A lot of pediatricians offer a consult appointment for these kinds of issues, we would schedule it as a 40 minute consult at the end of the day. You can also type or write up your concerns and send them in for the doctor to read ahead of time, that is often very helpful in making the appt more efficient.


Good luck! I hope you get some answers and some help.

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When I had detailed and lengthly concerns about one of my children, the ped suggested I call and ask for an expanded appointment which was double the time so there was plenty of time to list everything, listen, and ask questions. I started there and got referrals to the appropriate specialists.

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