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implant or bridge?


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Are the teeth on either side of the soon-to-be-missing tooth restored or in need of restoring? That is usually the deciding factor, If those teeth will need crowns in the future, the logical plan would be to do the bridge.


Implants have come a very long way. In the 17 years I have been in dentistry, the failure rate has really decreased. We rarely see an implant fail. And they are so common.


The time frame is longer for an implant. A bridge can be placed in a week, an implant is more like 6-9 months. The chair time with the dentist is more with the implant(I see you hate dentists.) Personally, I would always choose the implant option.

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Are the teeth on either side of the soon-to-be-missing tooth restored or in need of restoring? That is usually the deciding factor, If those teeth will need crowns in the future, the logical plan would be to do the bridge.


Implants have come a very long way. In the 17 years I have been in dentistry, the failure rate has really decreased. We rarely see an implant fail. And they are so common.


The time frame is longer for an implant. A bridge can be placed in a week, an implant is more like 6-9 months. The chair time with the dentist is more with the implant(I see you hate dentists.) Personally, I would always choose the implant option.




One tooth already has a crown, the dentist said the other may eventually need one. Actually what I hate is novacaine needles, I always take forever to numb and I almost passed out last time. I just had a panic attack instead. The dentist is nice enough.

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I chose the implant. I didn't like the idea of the two teeth on either side being messed with in order to be fitted for a bridge. I have no idea what the cost difference is, but the implant has been expensive. I had to go to an oral surgeon twice, once to have the rest of the tooth removed and a bone graft, and the second time to have the implant placed. Because my dental insurance maxed out, I had to wait until this month to go to my regular dentist to have the tooth made and placed. In fact, I need to go ahead and schedule it. FWIW, I hate the dentist too so this has been a hard process for me. I was put to sleep for both surgeries because my anxiety would never allow me to go through any of that awake. But I've not had any problems with it so far. Even the soreness of the surgeries was very short. Oh, and the time it took from the first surgery to when I could have the implant finished was 9 months.

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I chose the bridges about 12 years ago. Insurance wouldn't cover any of the implant at the time. I've also had really bad luck with dental surgeries.

I have an excellent dentist and he did an excellent job. It was very sad though to drill away four very healthy teeth to be able to do the bridges (I have two at the front of my mouth). I needed more novocaine in the middle of the drilling because it wears off pretty quickly for me (lots of oral surgery with the braces when I was younger).


If I were doing it now with my mouth as it was then, I'd have gone for the implant (due to changes in procedures and changes in insurance coverage).

At the time, I think the bridges were the better choice. But the teeth on each side will make a difference (mine were fine).

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I have an implant on my front tooth. It was an ordeal and not the most pleasant thing I have gone through, but I also had to get a bone graft as well. I had it all done with an oral surgeon, then my dentist ordered and placed the crown. The entire process took about a year, with many visits. It was very expensive, I think close to $4,000.


I am glad I chose that route though, it will likely last my entire life.

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I'll agree that it depends on the teeth on either side. If indeed one or both have a crown or will need one soon, I may go for the bridge. But if they're good healthy teeth, I'd go for the implant.


I have a bridge across the front of my mouth - I'm already on my third one. I really regret having to shave down healthy teeth to put it in, but at the time, almost 30 years ago, implants weren't even an option.

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...and tonight I will have the dream that my bridge fails...


I've had a bridge since I was 18. I knocked out 2 front teeth as a soccer goalie in 6th grade (pre-mouth guards, obviously :lol:) Insurance wouldn't pay for the bridge until I was 18. I don't think implants were even an option in the mid80s! I've had no problems whatsoever. The teeth on both sides are perfect, btw.


Dh has an implant where an adult tooth failed to develop. He's had it for, gosh, eight years or so, no problems. The process did take some time.

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One tooth already has a crown, the dentist said the other may eventually need one. Actually what I hate is novacaine needles, I always take forever to numb and I almost passed out last time. I just had a panic attack instead. The dentist is nice enough.



Hmmm...this is one of those tough decisions. The ADA has officially stated that implants are ALWAYS indicated over bridges, however, at times, it becomes more complicated, like when an adjacent tooth needs restoration.


Bridges are really becoming a thing of the past, though. Last year became the first year that our state dental school did not require the graduating dentists to perform a bridge on a live patient(typodonts are used) before graduating. That shows just how little dentistry will be using them in the near future.


In the end, I would probably still opt for the implant.

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