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History choices for mid-late elementary

elizabeth rose

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I'm having trouble deciding on history for my upcoming 3rd and 5th grader and beyond. Right owe are using winter promise American story 1. We really like it, and I had planned on continuing with American story 2. I just wish it wasn't so darn expensive. I also don't know where that will lead us for middle school for my older and let elementary for my younger. I need to combine them for history. I do not like stow, did that many years with,y oldest one in high school now. We found the text too dry and full of details. I also did history oddyssey level 2 with her, and I think it will be way too challenging for us for a while. I dislike anything overtly Christian like moh, truth quest etc. does anyone have any ideas for me?

If I stayed with winterpromise, has anyone done children around the world or sea and sky?

I would love to study ancients, then Middle Ages and so on withthemin a typical cycle but am having trouble finding a somewhat secular preferably lit based program.

Any advice, I would really appreciate, thanks so much!

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Although we use primarily History Odyssey, for my 4th grader, I finished up Early American History by setting aside HO for a while and pulling out a Hands of a Child unit study-- and to augment each section, I took out a large number of books from the library (plus the recommended reading from History Odyssey, which is quite good-- he loved the Landmark Book "Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia"). We have been reading some good books on Wild Bill Hickock, Annie Oakley, Sacagewea, Merriwether Lewes, the Pony Express, we watched "1776" (the old version that we all saw in school) and others. We have drawn maps of the original 13 colonies, looked at what states sprouted from the Louisiana Purchase, traced the routes followed by the Pony Express and the 49'ers. We've looked at timelines to put people and event in context and match them up to events happening in different places around the world (some of the books helped with this too-- "Mom! Ben Franklin met Marie Antoinette! This means the American Revolution must have been in the same time period as . . . "


We'll go back to HO to start Modern History soon, but this has been a fun diversion from the usual routine :). And my son does remember things better when he has read them in books and taken his time to connect the events to real people he has gotten to know better through books, so it has been time well spent, even if we are "double-timing" the last part of grammar stage history so that he can start logic stage ancients in what would have corresponded to roughly 5th grade (I don't do grade levels; I am thinking ahead to my planned sequence between here and graduation, but that's harder to explain-- there is a method to my madness).

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