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Would you consider voting for my son's video?


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Hi All,

I know that I am not the most active member of this group, but I have been here since the old boards, so I am hoping it is not rude to post this request. My 16 year old son received Cochlear Implants in November. He would really like to go to the Cochlear Convention being held in California next month. Since we are a homeschool family living on one income, we just cannot afford to take him to the convention. So we entered a video contest to win a free trip (including airfare and hotel accomadations.) My son's video made it into the finals. The winner is determined by which video receives the most votes. I would appreciate anyone who could please follow the link and vote for my son's video..."The Sounds of Baseball" No pressure, just anyone who wants to help a fellow homeschooler!




ETA: If you try to access from a portable device, inluding an ipad, it will just go to a page of ads. If you are on a laptop or desktop it will work.


Thanks in advance,

Dorothy Bauer

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